Class SpreadsheetHistoryManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SpreadsheetHistoryManager
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    SpreadsheetHistoryManager is an utility class of the Spreadsheet add-on. This class handles remembering any actions done in the Spreadsheet. The purpose is to allow the user to undo and redo any action.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • historyIndex

        protected int historyIndex
        Current index within the history
      • commands

        protected final LinkedList<Command> commands
        All executed command in chronological order
      • spreadsheet

        protected final Spreadsheet spreadsheet
        Target Spreadsheet component
    • Constructor Detail

      • SpreadsheetHistoryManager

        public SpreadsheetHistoryManager​(Spreadsheet spreadsheet)
        Creates a new history manager for the given Spreadsheet.
        spreadsheet - Target spreadsheet
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the history.
      • addCommand

        public void addCommand​(Command command)
        Adds a command to the end of the command history. Discards commands after the current position (historyIndex) within the history.
        command - Command to add as the latest command in history
      • getCommand

        public Command getCommand​(int historyIndex)
        Gets the Command at the given history index.
        historyIndex - Index of Command to get, 0-based
        The command at the index or IndexOutOfBoundsException
      • canRedo

        public boolean canRedo()
        Determines if redo is possible at the moment. In practice tells if there is at least one Command available after the current history index.
        true if redo() possible, false otherwise.
      • canUndo

        public boolean canUndo()
        Determines if undo is possible at the moment. In practice tells if there is at least one Command available before the current history index.
        true if undo() possible, false otherwise.
      • redo

        public void redo()
        Does redo if possible. Changes the active sheet to match the one the command belongs to and updates the selection if needed.
      • undo

        public void undo()
        Does undo if possible. Changes the active sheet to match the one that the command belongs to and updates the selection if needed.
      • setHistorySize

        public void setHistorySize​(int historySize)
        Changes the history size. Discards possible commands that won't fit the size anymore.
        historySize - New size for Command history
      • getHistorySize

        public int getHistorySize()
        Gets the current size of the Command history. The default size is 20 commands.
        Current size of history.
      • getHistoryIndex

        public int getHistoryIndex()
        Gets the current index within the Command history.
        Current history index, 0-based
      • makeSureCorrectSheetActive

        protected void makeSureCorrectSheetActive​(Command command)
        Ensures that the correct sheet is active, as recorded in the given Command.
        command - Command to fetch the sheet from
      • changeSelection

        protected void changeSelection​(Command command)
        Applies the cell selection from the given Command.
        command - Command to fetch the cell selection from.
      • discardAllAfter

        protected void discardAllAfter​(int index)
        Clears all history after the given history index NOT including the command at the given index.
        index - History index to start the clearing from.