Class StringToLongConverter

    • Constructor Detail

      • StringToLongConverter

        public StringToLongConverter​(String errorMessage)
        Creates a new converter instance with the given error message. Empty strings are converted to null.
        errorMessage - the error message to use if conversion fails
      • StringToLongConverter

        public StringToLongConverter​(Long emptyValue,
                                     String errorMessage)
        Creates a new converter instance with the given presentation value for empty string and error message.
        emptyValue - the presentation value to return when converting an empty string, may be null
        errorMessage - the error message to use if conversion fails
      • StringToLongConverter

        public StringToLongConverter​(ErrorMessageProvider errorMessageProvider)
        Creates a new converter instance with the given error message provider. Empty strings are converted to null.
        errorMessageProvider - the error message provider to use if conversion fails
      • StringToLongConverter

        public StringToLongConverter​(Long emptyValue,
                                     ErrorMessageProvider errorMessageProvider)
        Creates a new converter instance with the given presentation value for empty string and error message provider.
        emptyValue - the presentation value to return when converting an empty string, may be null
        errorMessageProvider - the error message provider to use if conversion fails