Class LookupInitializer.LookupImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    protected static class LookupInitializer.LookupImpl
    extends Object
    implements Lookup
    Default implementation of Lookup.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • LookupImpl

        protected LookupImpl​(Map<Class<?>,​Collection<Class<?>>> initialServices,
                             BiFunction<Class<?>,​Class<?>,​Object> factory)
        Creates a new instance of Lookup with services found in the application classpath.
        initialServices - map of initial services with their implementations
        factory - a factory to create a service object instance
    • Method Detail

      • lookup

        public <T> T lookup​(Class<T> serviceClass)
        Description copied from interface: Lookup
        Lookup for a service of the given type.

        The serviceClass is usually an interface (though it doesn't have to be) and the returned value is some implementation of this interface.

        Specified by:
        lookup in interface Lookup
        Type Parameters:
        T - a service type
        serviceClass - a service SPI class
        a service which implements the serviceClass, may be null if no services are registered for this SPI
        See Also:
      • lookupAll

        public <T> Collection<T> lookupAll​(Class<T> serviceClass)
        Description copied from interface: Lookup
        Lookup for all services by the provided serviceClass.

        The serviceClass is usually an interface class (though it doesn't have to be) and the returned value is all implementations of this interface.

        Specified by:
        lookupAll in interface Lookup
        Type Parameters:
        T - a service type
        serviceClass - a service SPI class
        all services which implement the serviceClass, if no services found an empty list is returned (so null is not returned)