Class AbstractRouteRegistry

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRouteRegistry

        public AbstractRouteRegistry()
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        protected void configure​(AbstractRouteRegistry.Configuration command)
        Thread-safe update of the RouteConfiguration.
        command - command that will mutate the configuration copy.
      • update

        public void update​(Command command)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Block updates to the registry configuration from other threads until update command has completed. This makes the command changes atomic for the registry as no one else can change the registry state during the command.

        Any other thread trying to configure current registry will be blocked until the update has released all the locks.

        Specified by:
        update in interface RouteRegistry
        command - command to execute for the update
      • fireEvent

        protected void fireEvent​(RoutesChangedEvent routeChangedEvent)
        Fire routes changed event to all registered listeners.
        routeChangedEvent - event containing changes
      • hasLock

        protected boolean hasLock()
      • getConfiguration

        public ConfiguredRoutes getConfiguration()
        Get the current valid configuration.

        Note! there may exist a possibility that someone updates this while it's being read, but the given configuration is valid at the given point in time.

        current state of the registry as a value object
      • getTemplate

        public Optional<String> getTemplate​(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Get the main template for given navigation target.

        In case of annotated target the main template is composed of the Route annotation value prefixed by all RoutePrefix values of the parent RouterLayouts chain.

        Specified by:
        getTemplate in interface RouteRegistry
        navigationTarget - navigation target to get route definition for, not null
        Optional navigation target template string or Optional.empty() if navigation target was not found
      • setRoute

        public void setRoute​(String path,
                             Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
                             List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentChain)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Register a navigation target with specified path and given parent layout chain. Any ParentLayout, Route or RouteAlias will be ignored in route handling.
        Specified by:
        setRoute in interface RouteRegistry
        path - path to register navigation target to
        navigationTarget - navigation target to register into session scope
        parentChain - chain of parent layouts that should be used with this target
      • removeRoute

        public void removeRoute​(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Remove the given navigation target route registration.

        Note! this will remove target route and if possible any RouteAlias route that can be found for the class.

        Specified by:
        removeRoute in interface RouteRegistry
        navigationTarget - navigation target class to remove
      • removeRoute

        public void removeRoute​(String path,
                                Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Remove navigationTarget for the path.

        This method will check if indeed navigationTarget is registered with path.

        In case navigationTarget is a HasUrlParameter, the path needs to be specified exactly as it is in the Route annotation or as it was registered using RouteRegistry.setRoute(String, Class, List), without the parameter placeholder which is automatically added.

        Specified by:
        removeRoute in interface RouteRegistry
        path - path to remove from registry
        navigationTarget - path navigation target to remove
      • clean

        public void clean()
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Clear all registered routes from the registry.
        Specified by:
        clean in interface RouteRegistry
      • hasMandatoryParameter

        public boolean hasMandatoryParameter​(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Check if the given navigationTarget requires parameters.
        Specified by:
        hasMandatoryParameter in interface RouteRegistry
        navigationTarget - navigation target to check
        true if parameters are required
      • getRouteTarget

        public RouteTarget getRouteTarget​(Class<? extends Component> target,
                                          RouteParameters parameters)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Gets the RouteTarget instance matching the given target component and route parameters.
        Specified by:
        getRouteTarget in interface RouteRegistry
        target - a component class which is a navigation target.
        parameters - parameter values that may be used with given target.
        the RouteTarget instance matching the given target component and route parameters.
      • getNavigationTarget

        public Optional<Class<? extends Component>> getNavigationTarget​(String url)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Gets the optional navigation target class for a given path. Returns an empty optional if no navigation target corresponds to the given url.
        Specified by:
        getNavigationTarget in interface RouteRegistry
        url - the path to get the navigation target for, not null
        optional of the navigation target corresponding to the given path
      • getNavigationTarget

        public Optional<Class<? extends Component>> getNavigationTarget​(String url,
                                                                        List<String> segments)
        Description copied from interface: RouteRegistry
        Gets the optional navigation target class for a given Location matching with path segments.
        Specified by:
        getNavigationTarget in interface RouteRegistry
        url - path to get navigation target for, not null
        segments - segments given for path
        optional navigation target corresponding to the given location with given segments if any applicable targets found.
        See Also:
      • addErrorTarget

        protected void addErrorTarget​(Class<? extends Component> target,
                                      Map<Class<? extends Exception>,​Class<? extends Component>> exceptionTargetsMap)
        Add the given error target to the exceptionTargetMap. This will handle existing overlapping exception types by assigning the correct error target according to inheritance or throw if existing and new are not related.
        target - error handler target
        exceptionTargetsMap - map of existing error handlers
        InvalidRouteConfigurationException - if trying to add a non related exception handler for which a handler already exists
      • searchByCause

        protected Optional<ErrorTargetEntry> searchByCause​(Exception exception)
        Get the exception handler for given exception or recurse by exception cause until possible exception with handler found.
        exception - exception to get handler for
        Optional containing found handler or empty if none found
      • searchBySuperType

        protected Optional<ErrorTargetEntry> searchBySuperType​(Throwable exception)
        Search given exception super classes to get exception handler for if any exist.
        exception - exception to get handler for
        Optional containing found handler or empty if none found