Class SpreadsheetDefaultActionHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Action.Handler, Serializable

    public class SpreadsheetDefaultActionHandler
    extends Object
    implements Action.Handler
    Default action handler for Spreadsheet actions. By default this handler adds all available actions to the Spreadsheet.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SpreadsheetDefaultActionHandler

        public SpreadsheetDefaultActionHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • addSpreadsheetAction

        public void addSpreadsheetAction​(SpreadsheetAction action)
        Adds the given SpreadsheetAction to this handler.
        action - SpreadsheetAction to add
      • removeSpreadsheetAction

        public boolean removeSpreadsheetAction​(SpreadsheetAction action)
        Removes the given SpreadsheetAction from this handler.
        action - SpreadsheetAction to remove
        true if the action was present in this handler, false otherwise
      • getActions

        public Action[] getActions​(Object target,
                                   Object sender)
        Description copied from interface: Action.Handler
        Gets the list of actions applicable to this handler.
        Specified by:
        getActions in interface Action.Handler
        target - the target handler to list actions for. For item containers this is the item id.
        sender - the party that would be sending the actions. Most of this is the action container.
        the list of Action
      • handleAction

        public void handleAction​(Action action,
                                 Object sender,
                                 Object target)
        Description copied from interface: Action.Handler
        Handles an action for the given target. The handler method may just discard the action if it's not suitable.
        Specified by:
        handleAction in interface Action.Handler
        action - the action to be handled.
        sender - the sender of the action. This is most often the action container.
        target - the target of the action. For item containers this is the item id.