Class BeanValidator

    • Constructor Detail

      • BeanValidator

        public BeanValidator​(Class<?> beanType,
                             String propertyName)
        Creates a new JSR-303 BeanValidator that validates values of the specified property. Localizes validation messages using the default locale.
        beanType - the bean type declaring the property, not null
        propertyName - the property to validate, not null
        IllegalStateException - if BeanUtil.checkBeanValidationAvailable() returns false
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public ValidationResult apply​(Object value,
                                      ValueContext context)
        Validates the given value as if it were the value of the bean property configured for this validator. Returns Result.ok if there are no JSR-303 constraint violations, a Result.error of chained constraint violation messages otherwise.

        Null values are accepted unless the property has an @NotNull annotation or equivalent.

        Specified by:
        apply in interface BiFunction<Object,​ValueContext,​ValidationResult>
        Specified by:
        apply in interface Validator<Object>
        value - the input value to validate
        context - the value context for validation
        the validation result
      • getJavaxBeanValidatorFactory

        protected static javax.validation.ValidatorFactory getJavaxBeanValidatorFactory()
        Returns the underlying JSR-303 bean validator factory used. A factory is created using Validation if necessary.
        the validator factory to use
      • getJavaxBeanValidator

        public javax.validation.Validator getJavaxBeanValidator()
        Returns a shared JSR-303 validator instance to use.
        the validator to use
      • getMessage

        protected String getMessage​(javax.validation.ConstraintViolation<?> violation,
                                    Locale locale)
        Returns the interpolated error message for the given constraint violation using the locale specified for this validator.
        violation - the constraint violation
        locale - the used locale
        the localized error message
      • createContext

        protected javax.validation.MessageInterpolator.Context createContext​(javax.validation.ConstraintViolation<?> violation)
        Creates a simple message interpolation context based on the given constraint violation.
        violation - the constraint violation
        the message interpolation context