Class LitTemplate

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasElement, HasStyle, Template, Serializable

    public abstract class LitTemplate
    extends Component
    implements HasStyle, Template
    Component which renders a LitElement template.

    A LitElement template is defined in a JavaScript module which should be placed inside the frontend folder and loaded using @JsModule. The tag name defined for the Lit template must be defined using @Tag on this class.

    By annotating a field using @Id you can map a @Component instance to an element in the template, marked with an id attribute which matches the field name or the optionally given value to the annotation.

    Note that injected components will have the same limitations as with PolymerTemplate.

    For more information about the LitElement project, see

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    JsModule, Tag, Id, Serialized Form