Class Dial

    • Constructor Detail

      • Dial

        public Dial()
    • Method Detail

      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(Color backgroundColor)
        The background or fill color of the gauge's dial.

        Defaults to: #000000

      • setBaseLength

        public void setBaseLength​(String baseLength)
        The length of the dial's base part, relative to the total radius or length of the dial.

        Defaults to: 70%

      • setBaseWidth

        public void setBaseWidth​(Number baseWidth)
        The pixel width of the base of the gauge dial. The base is the part closest to the pivot, defined by baseLength.

        Defaults to: 3

      • setBorderColor

        public void setBorderColor​(Color borderColor)
        The border color or stroke of the gauge's dial. By default, the borderWidth is 0, so this must be set in addition to a custom border color.

        Defaults to: #cccccc

      • setBorderWidth

        public void setBorderWidth​(Number borderWidth)
        The width of the gauge dial border in pixels.

        Defaults to: 0

      • setRadius

        public void setRadius​(String radius)
        The radius or length of the dial, in percentages relative to the radius of the gauge itself.

        Defaults to: 80%

      • setRearLength

        public void setRearLength​(String rearLength)
        The length of the dial's rear end, the part that extends out on the other side of the pivot. Relative to the dial's length.

        Defaults to: 10%

      • setTopWidth

        public void setTopWidth​(Number topWidth)
        The width of the top of the dial, closest to the perimeter. The pivot narrows in from the base to the top.

        Defaults to: 1