Class GridSelectionColumn

    • Constructor Detail

      • GridSelectionColumn

        public GridSelectionColumn​(SerializableRunnable selectAllCallback,
                                   SerializableRunnable deselectAllCallback)
        Constructs a new grid selection column configured to use the given callbacks whenever the select all checkbox is toggled on the client side.
        selectAllCallback - the runnable to run when the select all checkbox has been checked
        deselectAllCallback - the runnable to run when the select all checkbox has been unchecked
    • Method Detail

      • setSelectAllCheckboxState

        public void setSelectAllCheckboxState​(boolean selectAll)
        Sets the checked state of the select all checkbox on the client.
        selectAll - the new state of the select all checkbox
      • setSelectAllCheckboxIndeterminateState

        public void setSelectAllCheckboxIndeterminateState​(boolean indeterminate)
        Sets the indeterminate state of the select all checkbox on the client.
        indeterminate - the new indeterminate state of the select all checkbox
      • setSelectAllCheckBoxVisibility

        public void setSelectAllCheckBoxVisibility​(boolean visible)
        Sets the visibility of the select all checkbox on the client.
        visible - whether to display the select all checkbox or hide it
      • setFrozen

        public void setFrozen​(boolean frozen)
        Sets this column's frozen state.
        frozen - whether to freeze or unfreeze this column
      • isFrozen

        public boolean isFrozen()
        Gets the this column's frozen state.
        whether this column is frozen