Class CrudI18nUpdatedEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CrudI18nUpdatedEvent
    extends ComponentEvent<Crud<?>>
    Event fired to a crud grid when the internationalization object is changed. This allows the grid to localize its content, most especially the accessibility of the edit column.
    ComponentUtil.addListener(myGrid, CrudI18nUpdatedEvent.class, event -> {
    CrudI18n newI18n = event.getI18n();
    // Localize an item in myGrid.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CrudI18nUpdatedEvent

        public CrudI18nUpdatedEvent​(Crud<?> source,
                                    boolean fromClient,
                                    CrudI18n i18n)
        Creates a new event using the given source and indicator whether the event originated from the client side or the server side.
        source - the source component
        fromClient - true if the event originated from the client
        i18n - the new i18n object
    • Method Detail

      • getI18n

        public CrudI18n getI18n()
        Gets the new i18n
        the new i18n