Class PushConfigurationMap

    • Constructor Detail

      • PushConfigurationMap

        public PushConfigurationMap​(StateNode node)
        Creates a new map for the given node.
        node - the node that the map belongs to
    • Method Detail

      • setTransport

        public void setTransport​(Transport transport)
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Sets the primary transport type for push.

        Note that the new transport type will not be used until the push channel is disconnected and reconnected if already active.

        Specified by:
        setTransport in interface PushConfiguration
        transport - The primary transport type
      • setFallbackTransport

        public void setFallbackTransport​(Transport fallbackTransport)
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Sets the fallback transport type for push.

        Note that the new transport type will not be used until the push channel is disconnected and reconnected if already active.

        Specified by:
        setFallbackTransport in interface PushConfiguration
        fallbackTransport - The fallback transport type
      • setPushMode

        public void setPushMode​(PushMode pushMode)
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Sets the mode of bidirectional ("push") communication that should be used.

        Add-on developers should note that this method is only meant for the application developer. An add-on should not set the push mode directly, rather instruct the user to set it.

        Specified by:
        setPushMode in interface PushConfiguration
        pushMode - The push mode to use.
      • setPushUrl

        public void setPushUrl​(String pushUrl)
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Sets the URL to use for push requests.

        This is only used when overriding the URL to use. Setting this to null (the default) will use the default URL.

        Specified by:
        setPushUrl in interface PushConfiguration
        pushUrl - The push URL to use
      • getPushUrl

        public String getPushUrl()
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Returns the URL to use for push requests.

        This is only used when overriding the URL to use. Returns null (the default) when the default URL is used.

        Specified by:
        getPushUrl in interface PushConfiguration
        the URL to use for push requests, or null to use to default
      • getParameter

        public String getParameter​(String key)
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Returns the given parameter, if set.

        This method provides low level access to push parameters and is typically not needed for normal application development.

        Specified by:
        getParameter in interface PushConfiguration
        key - The parameter name
        The parameter value or null if not set
      • setParameter

        public void setParameter​(String key,
                                 String value)
        Description copied from interface: PushConfiguration
        Sets the given parameter.

        This method provides low level access to push parameters and is typically not needed for normal application development.

        Specified by:
        setParameter in interface PushConfiguration
        key - The parameter name
        value - The value