Class BootstrapHandler.BootstrapUriResolver

    • Constructor Detail

      • BootstrapUriResolver

        protected BootstrapUriResolver​(UI ui)
        Creates a new bootstrap resolver based on the given ui.
        ui - the ui to resolve for
      • BootstrapUriResolver

        public BootstrapUriResolver​(String contextRootRelatiePath,
                                    VaadinSession session)
        Creates a new bootstrap resolver based on the given session.
        contextRootRelatiePath - the relative path from the UI (servlet) path to the context root
        session - the vaadin session
    • Method Detail

      • resolveVaadinUri

        public String resolveVaadinUri​(String uri)
        Translates a Vaadin URI to a URL that can be loaded by the browser. The following URI schemes are supported:
        • "context://" - resolves to the application context root
        • "base://" - resolves to the base URI of the page
        Any other URI protocols, such as http:// or https:// are passed through this method unmodified.
        uri - the URI to resolve
        the resolved URI