Class DeploymentConfigurationFactory

    • Field Detail


        public static final Object FALLBACK_CHUNK
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentConfigurationFactory

        public DeploymentConfigurationFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createDeploymentConfiguration

        public DeploymentConfiguration createDeploymentConfiguration​(Class<?> systemPropertyBaseClass,
                                                                     VaadinConfig vaadinConfig)
        Creates a DeploymentConfiguration instance that is filled with all parameters, specified for the current app.
        systemPropertyBaseClass - the class to look for properties defined with annotations
        vaadinConfig - the config to get the rest of the properties from
        DeploymentConfiguration instance
      • createPropertyDeploymentConfiguration

        public DeploymentConfiguration createPropertyDeploymentConfiguration​(Class<?> systemPropertyBaseClass,
                                                                             VaadinConfig vaadinConfig)
        Creates a DeploymentConfiguration instance that has all parameters, specified for the current app without doing checks so property states and only returns default.
        systemPropertyBaseClass - the class to look for properties defined with annotations
        vaadinConfig - the config to get the rest of the properties from
        DeploymentConfiguration instance
      • createInitParameters

        protected Properties createInitParameters​(Class<?> systemPropertyBaseClass,
                                                  VaadinConfig vaadinConfig)
        Generate Property containing parameters for with all parameters contained in current application.
        systemPropertyBaseClass - the class to look for properties defined with annotations
        vaadinConfig - the config to get the rest of the properties from
        Properties instance