Class JarContentsManager

  • public class JarContentsManager
    extends Object
    Shared code for managing contents of jar files.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • JarContentsManager

        public JarContentsManager()
    • Method Detail

      • containsPath

        public boolean containsPath​(File jar,
                                    String filePath)
        Checks if a jar file contains a path specified (case sensitive).
        jar - jar file to look for file in, not null
        filePath - file path relative to jar root, not null
        true if path is contained in the jar, false otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if jar file specified is not a file or does not exist
        NullPointerException - if any of the arguments is null
        UncheckedIOException - if IOException occurs during file search, for instance, when jar file specified is not a jar file
      • getFileContents

        public byte[] getFileContents​(File jar,
                                      String filePath)
        Tries to find a file by its path (case sensitive) in jar file. If found, its contents is returned, null otherwise.
        jar - jar file to look for file in, not null
        filePath - file path relative to jar root, not null
        an array of bytes, if file was found or null if not found
        IllegalArgumentException - if jar file specified is not a file or does not exist
        NullPointerException - if any of the arguments is null
        UncheckedIOException - if IOException occurs during file retrieval, for instance, when jar file specified is not a jar file
      • findFiles

        public List<String> findFiles​(File jar,
                                      String baseDirectoryName,
                                      String fileName)
        Finds all files (not directories) in the jar with the name specified and in the directory specified.
        jar - jar file to look for file in, not null
        baseDirectoryName - the directory to search in the jar, not null
        fileName - a string that should required files' paths end with, not null
        list of files from the directory specified with required file names
        IllegalArgumentException - if jar file specified is not a file or does not exist
        NullPointerException - if any of the arguments is null
        UncheckedIOException - if IOException occurs during jar file search
      • copyFilesFromJarTrimmingBasePath

        public void copyFilesFromJarTrimmingBasePath​(File jar,
                                                     String jarDirectoryToCopyFrom,
                                                     File outputDirectory,
                                                     String... wildcardPathExclusions)
        Copies files from the jar file to the output directory.
        jar - jar file to look for files in, not null
        jarDirectoryToCopyFrom - a path relative to jar root, only files from this path will be copied, can be null, which is treated as a root of the jar. Files will be copied relative to this path (i.e. only path part after this path is preserved in output directory)
        outputDirectory - the directory to copy files to, not null
        wildcardPathExclusions - wildcard exclusions that are used to check each path against before copying
        IllegalArgumentException - if jar file specified is not a file or does not exist or if output directory is not a directory or does not exist
        NullPointerException - if jar file or output directory is null
        UncheckedIOException - if IOException occurs during the operation, for instance, when jar file specified is not a jar file
      • copyIncludedFilesFromJarTrimmingBasePath

        public void copyIncludedFilesFromJarTrimmingBasePath​(File jar,
                                                             String jarDirectoryToCopyFrom,
                                                             File outputDirectory,
                                                             String... wildcardPathInclusions)
        Copies files matching the inclusion filters from the jar file to the output directory.
        jar - jar file to look for files in, not null
        jarDirectoryToCopyFrom - a path relative to jar root, only files from this path will be copied, can be null, which is treated as a root of the jar. Files will be copied relative to this path (i.e. only path part after this path is preserved in output directory)
        outputDirectory - the directory to copy files to, not null
        wildcardPathInclusions - wildcard inclusions that are used to check each path against before copying
        IllegalArgumentException - if jar file specified is not a file or does not exist or if output directory is not a directory or does not exist
        NullPointerException - if jar file or output directory is null
        UncheckedIOException - if IOException occurs during the operation, for instance, when jar file specified is not a jar file