Class DataSeriesItemXrange

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DataSeriesItemXrange
    extends DataSeriesItem
    DataSeriesItem that can hold also x2 and partialFill amount and color. Used in e.g. xrange series.

    To change partial fill amount or color use getPartialFill() to get the configuration object.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange()
        Constructs an empty item
      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange​(Number x,
                                    Number x2,
                                    Number y)
        Constructs an item with X, X2 and Y
        x -
        x2 -
        y -
      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange​(Instant x,
                                    Instant x2,
                                    Number y)
        Constructs an item with X, X2 and Y
        x -
        x2 -
        y -
      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange​(Number x,
                                    Number x2,
                                    Number y,
                                    Number partialFillAmount)
        Constructs an item with X, X2, Y and partialFillAmount.
        x -
        x2 -
        y -
        partialFillAmount -
      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange​(Instant x,
                                    Instant x2,
                                    Number y,
                                    Number partialFillAmount)
        Constructs an item with X, X2, Y and partialFillAmount.
        x -
        x2 -
        y -
        partialFillAmount -
      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange​(Number x,
                                    Number x2,
                                    Number y,
                                    Number partialFillAmount,
                                    Color partialFillColor)
        Constructs an item with X, X2, Y, partialFillAmount and partialFillColor.
        x -
        x2 -
        y -
        partialFillAmount -
        partialFillColor -
      • DataSeriesItemXrange

        public DataSeriesItemXrange​(Instant x,
                                    Instant x2,
                                    Number y,
                                    Number partialFillAmount,
                                    Color partialFillColor)
        Constructs an item with X, X2, Y, partialFillAmount and partialFillColor.
        x -
        x2 -
        y -
        partialFillAmount -
        partialFillColor -
    • Method Detail

      • getX2

        public Number getX2()
        Returns the X2-value of the item.
        The X2 value of this data item.
        See Also:
      • setX2

        public void setX2​(Number x2)
        Sets the X2 value of this data item. Defaults to null.
        x - X-value of the item.
      • setX2

        public void setX2​(Instant instant)
        Sets the given instant as the x2 value.
        instant - Instant to set.
      • setPartialFill

        public void setPartialFill​(ItemPartialFill partialFill)
        Partial fill configuration for series points, typically used to visualize how much of a task is performed.