Interface ClickEvent

    • Method Detail

      • getMouseDetails

        MouseEventDetails getMouseDetails()
        Gets the mouse click details
      • getxAxisValue

        default double getxAxisValue()
        Gets the x axis value of the clicked point.

        Note, that if the axis type is Date, the value is "unix timestamp" which is shifted to UTF time zone that is used by the client side implementation. If you have used Date object as value, you most likely want to pass the value thru Util.toServerDate(double) method before actually using the value.

        Legend items are outside of the plot area and legend item click events have no significant xAxisValue.

        the X coordinate of the click.
      • getyAxisValue

        default double getyAxisValue()
        Gets the y axis value of the clicked point.

        Legend items are outside of the plot area and legend item click events have no significant yAxisValue.

        the Y coordinate of the click
      • getAbsoluteX

        default int getAbsoluteX()
        the absolute x position of the clicked point in browser client area in pixels or -1 if chart type (like pie) don't have relevant point
      • getAbsoluteY

        default int getAbsoluteY()
        the absolute x position of the clicked point in browser client area in pixels or -1 if chart type (like pie) don't have relevant point
      • isAltKey

        default boolean isAltKey()
        Checks if the Alt key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Alt was down when the event occurred, false otherwise
      • isCtrlKey

        default boolean isCtrlKey()
        Checks if the Ctrl key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Ctrl was pressed when the event occurred, false otherwise
      • isMetaKey

        default boolean isMetaKey()
        Checks if the Meta key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Meta was pressed when the event occurred, false otherwise
      • isShiftKey

        default boolean isShiftKey()
        Checks if the Shift key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Shift was pressed when the event occurred, false otherwise