Class WebComponentGenerator

  • public class WebComponentGenerator
    extends Object
    Generates a client-side web component from a Java class.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    Vaadin Ltd.
    • Method Detail

      • generateModule

        public static String generateModule​(WebComponentExporterFactory<? extends Component> factory,
                                            String frontendURI,
                                            boolean compatibilityMode,
                                            String themeName)
        Generate web component html/JS for given exporter factory.
        factory - web component exporter factory, not null
        frontendURI - the frontend resources URI, not null
        compatibilityMode - true to generate Polymer2 template, false to generate Polymer3 template
        themeName - the theme defined using Theme or null if not defined
        generated web component html/JS to be served to the client
      • generateModule

        public static String generateModule​(WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component> webComponentConfiguration,
                                            String frontendURI,
                                            boolean compatibilityMode,
                                            String themeName)
        Generate web component html/JS for given tag and class.
        webComponentConfiguration - web component class implementation, not null
        frontendURI - the frontend resources URI, not null
        compatibilityMode - true to generate Polymer2 template, false to generate Polymer3 template
        themeName - the theme defined using Theme or null if not defined
        generated web component html/JS to be served to the client