Class ReturnChannelHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReturnChannelHandler

        public ReturnChannelHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getRpcType

        public String getRpcType()
        Description copied from interface: RpcInvocationHandler
        Gets unique RPC type which this handler is applicable for.
        the unique rpc type
      • allowInert

        protected boolean allowInert​(UI ui,
                                     elemental.json.JsonObject invocationJson)
        Description copied from class: AbstractRpcInvocationHandler
        Specifies whether inert status should be ignored for an RPC invocation or not. The default behaviour is to let the polling events be handled, while ignoring other requests.
        allowInert in class AbstractRpcInvocationHandler
        ui - the UI instance that RPC invocation originated from.
        invocationJson - the JsonObject containing invocation properties.
        a boolean indicating that the inert status should be ignored for the current invocation or not.