Interface PushConfiguration

  • All Superinterfaces:
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    public interface PushConfiguration
    extends Serializable
    Provides method for configuring the push channel.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Detail

      • getPushMode

        PushMode getPushMode()
        Returns the mode of bidirectional ("push") communication that is used.
        The push mode.
      • setPushMode

        void setPushMode​(PushMode pushMode)
        Sets the mode of bidirectional ("push") communication that should be used.

        Add-on developers should note that this method is only meant for the application developer. An add-on should not set the push mode directly, rather instruct the user to set it.

        pushMode - The push mode to use.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null.
        IllegalStateException - if push support is not available.
      • setPushServletMapping

        void setPushServletMapping​(String pushServletMapping)
        Sets the servlet mapping to use for push requests.

        This is only used when overriding the servlet mapping to use. Setting this to null (the default) will use the default URL.

        pushServletMapping - The servlet mapping to use for push
      • getPushServletMapping

        String getPushServletMapping()
        Returns the servlet mapping to use for push requests.

        This is only used when overriding the servlet mapping to use. Returns null (the default) when the default URL is used.

        the servlet mapping to use for push requests, or null to use to default
      • getTransport

        Transport getTransport()
        Returns the primary transport type for push.

        Note that if you set the transport type using setParameter(String, String) to an unsupported type this method will return null. Supported types are defined by Transport.

        The primary transport type
      • setTransport

        void setTransport​(Transport transport)
        Sets the primary transport type for push.

        Note that the new transport type will not be used until the push channel is disconnected and reconnected if already active.

        transport - The primary transport type
      • getFallbackTransport

        Transport getFallbackTransport()
        Returns the fallback transport type for push.

        Note that if you set the transport type using setParameter(String, String) to an unsupported type this method will return null. Supported types are defined by Transport.

        The fallback transport type
      • setFallbackTransport

        void setFallbackTransport​(Transport fallbackTransport)
        Sets the fallback transport type for push.

        Note that the new transport type will not be used until the push channel is disconnected and reconnected if already active.

        fallbackTransport - The fallback transport type
      • getParameter

        String getParameter​(String parameter)
        Returns the given parameter, if set.

        This method provides low level access to push parameters and is typically not needed for normal application development.

        parameter - The parameter name
        The parameter value or null if not set
      • getParameterNames

        Collection<String> getParameterNames()
        Returns the parameters which have been defined.
        A collection of parameter names
      • setParameter

        void setParameter​(String parameter,
                          String value)
        Sets the given parameter.

        This method provides low level access to push parameters and is typically not needed for normal application development.

        parameter - The parameter name
        value - The value
      • setPushConnectionFactory

        void setPushConnectionFactory​(PushConnectionFactory factory)
        Sets the factory that will be used to create new instances of PushConnection.
        factory - the factory that will be used to create new instances of PushConnection