Class BootstrapHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • BootstrapHandler

        protected BootstrapHandler​(BootstrapHandler.PageBuilder pageBuilder)
        Creates an instance of the handler using provided page builder.
        pageBuilder - Page builder to use.
    • Method Detail

      • getPageBuilder

        protected BootstrapHandler.PageBuilder getPageBuilder()
        Returns the current page builder object.
        Page builder in charge of constructing the resulting page.
      • isVaadinStaticFileRequest

        public static boolean isVaadinStaticFileRequest​(VaadinRequest request)
        Checks whether the request is a request for /VAADIN/*.

        Warning: This assumes that the VaadinRequest is targeted for a VaadinServlet and does no further checks to validate this.

        This is public only so that IndexHtmlRequestHandler can access it. If you are not IndexHtmlRequestHandler, go away.

        request - the request
        true if the request is for /VAADIN/*, false otherwise
      • isRequestForHtml

        protected boolean isRequestForHtml​(VaadinRequest request)
        Checks if the request is potentially a request for an HTML page.
        request - the request to check
        true if the request is potentially for HTML, false if it is certain that it is a request for a script, image or something else
      • writeErrorCodeIfRequestLocationIsInvalid

        protected boolean writeErrorCodeIfRequestLocationIsInvalid​(VaadinRequest request,
                                                                   VaadinResponse response)
                                                            throws IOException
        Checks whether the request is for a valid location, and if not, writes the error code for the response.
        request - the request to check
        response - the response to write
        true if location was invalid and error code was written, false if not (location was valid)
        IOException - in case writing to response fails
      • resolvePageTitle

        protected static Optional<String> resolvePageTitle​(BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext context)
        Resolves the initial page title for the given bootstrap context and cancels any pending JS execution for it.
        context - the bootstrap context
        the optional initial page title
      • getUIClass

        protected static Class<? extends UI> getUIClass​(VaadinRequest request)
        Returns the UI class mapped for servlet that handles the given request.

        This method is protected for testing purposes.

        request - the request for the UI
        the UI class for the request
      • readResource

        protected static String readResource​(String fileName)
      • getInitialUidl

        protected static elemental.json.JsonObject getInitialUidl​(UI ui)
        Generates the initial UIDL message which is included in the initial bootstrap page.
        ui - the UI for which the UIDL should be generated
        a JSON object with the initial UIDL message
      • showDevServerErrors

        protected static void showDevServerErrors​(VaadinService service,
                                                  org.jsoup.nodes.Document document)
      • setupErrorDialogs

        protected static void setupErrorDialogs​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element style)
      • setupHiddenElement

        protected static void setupHiddenElement​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element styles)
      • setupPwa

        protected static void setupPwa​(org.jsoup.nodes.Document document,
                                       VaadinService service)