Class IndexHtmlResponse

  • public class IndexHtmlResponse
    extends Object
    This represents the state of a Index HTML response being generated. The Index HTML response contains of the full DOM of the HTML document as well as the HTTP headers that will be included in the corresponding HTTP response.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexHtmlResponse

        public IndexHtmlResponse​(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest,
                                 VaadinResponse vaadinResponse,
                                 org.jsoup.nodes.Document document,
                                 UI ui)
        Create a response object for client side bootstrapping with UI.
        vaadinRequest - the vaadin request which is handling
        vaadinResponse - the corresponding vaadin response
        document - the Document object of the response page
        ui - the UI for the bootstrap
      • IndexHtmlResponse

        public IndexHtmlResponse​(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest,
                                 VaadinResponse vaadinResponse,
                                 org.jsoup.nodes.Document document)
        Create a response object for client side bootstrapping.
        vaadinRequest - the vaadin request which is handling
        vaadinResponse - the corresponding vaadin response
        document - the Document object of the response page
    • Method Detail

      • getVaadinRequest

        public VaadinRequest getVaadinRequest()
        Get the request which triggers the Index HTML response.
        the Vaadin request
      • getVaadinResponse

        public VaadinResponse getVaadinResponse()
        Get the Vaadin response object including all the headers which will be sent to browser.
        the Vaadin response
      • getDocument

        public org.jsoup.nodes.Document getDocument()
        Get the index.html response in form of a Document instance.
        the index document
      • getUI

        public Optional<UI> getUI()
        Gets the UI that will be displayed on the generated HTML page.
        the UI