Interface UIInternalUpdater

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface UIInternalUpdater
    extends Serializable
    The implementation of this interface is responsible for updating the UI with given content.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    • Method Detail

      • updateRoot

        default void updateRoot​(UI ui,
                                HasElement oldRoot,
                                HasElement newRoot)
        Update root element of the given UI.
        ui - the UI to be updated
        oldRoot - the old root to be removed
        newRoot - the new root to be added
      • moveToNewUI

        default void moveToNewUI​(UI oldUI,
                                 UI newUI)
        Move all the children from the old UI to the new UI.
        oldUI - the old UI whose children will be transferred to new UI
        newUI - the new UI where children of the old UI will be landed