Class TabSheet.SelectedChangeEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectedChangeEvent

        public SelectedChangeEvent​(TabSheet source,
                                   Tab previousTab,
                                   boolean fromClient,
                                   boolean initialSelection)
        Creates a new selected change event.
        source - The TabSheet that fired the event.
        previousTab - The previous selected tab.
        fromClient - true for client-side events, false otherwise.
    • Method Detail

      • getSelectedTab

        public Tab getSelectedTab()
        Get selected tab for this event. Can be null when autoselect is set to false.
        the selected tab for this event
      • getPreviousTab

        public Tab getPreviousTab()
        Get previous selected tab for this event. Can be null when autoselect is set to false.
        the selected tab for this event
      • isInitialSelection

        public boolean isInitialSelection()
        Checks if this event is initial TabSheet selection.
        true if the event is initial TabSheet selection, false otherwise