Interface HasSize

    • Method Detail

      • setWidth

        default void setWidth​(String width)
        Sets the width of the component.

        The width should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        If the provided width value is null then width is removed.

        width - the width to set, may be null
      • setWidth

        default void setWidth​(float width,
                              Unit unit)
        Sets the width of the component. Negative number implies unspecified size (terminal is free to set the size).
        width - the width of the object.
        unit - the unit used for the width.
      • setMinWidth

        default void setMinWidth​(String minWidth)
        Sets the min-width of the component.

        The width should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        If the provided minWidth value is null then min-width is removed.

        minWidth - the min-width value (if null, the property will be removed)
      • setMinWidth

        default void setMinWidth​(float minWidth,
                                 Unit unit)
        Sets the min-width of the component. Negative number implies unspecified size (terminal is free to set the size).
        minWidth - the min-width of the object.
        unit - the unit used for the min-width.
      • setMaxWidth

        default void setMaxWidth​(String maxWidth)
        Sets the max-width of the component.

        The width should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        If the provided maxWidth value is null then max-width is removed.

        maxWidth - the max-width value (if null, the property will be removed)
      • setMaxWidth

        default void setMaxWidth​(float maxWidth,
                                 Unit unit)
        Sets the max-width of the component. Negative number implies unspecified size (terminal is free to set the size).
        maxWidth - the max-width of the object.
        unit - the unit used for the max-width.
      • getWidth

        default String getWidth()
        Gets the width defined for the component.

        Note that this does not return the actual size of the component but the width which has been set using setWidth(String).

        the width which has been set for the component
      • getMinWidth

        default String getMinWidth()
        Gets the min-width defined for the component.

        Note that this does not return the actual size of the component but the min-width which has been set using setMinWidth(String).

        the min-width which has been set for the component
      • getMaxWidth

        default String getMaxWidth()
        Gets the max-width defined for the component.

        Note that this does not return the actual size of the component but the max-width which has been set using setMaxWidth(String).

        the max-width which has been set for the component
      • getWidthUnit

        default Optional<Unit> getWidthUnit()
        Gets the width unit of the component, if defined.
        an optional width unit for the component, or an empty optional if no width unit has been set
      • setHeight

        default void setHeight​(String height)
        Sets the height of the component.

        The height should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        If the provided height value is null then height is removed.

        height - the height to set, may be null
      • setHeight

        default void setHeight​(float height,
                               Unit unit)
        Sets the height of the component. Negative number implies unspecified size (terminal is free to set the size).
        height - the height of the object.
        unit - the unit used for the height.
      • setMinHeight

        default void setMinHeight​(String minHeight)
        Sets the min-height of the component.

        The height should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        If the provided minHeight value is null then min-height is removed.

        minHeight - the min-height value (if null, the property will be removed)
      • setMinHeight

        default void setMinHeight​(float minHeight,
                                  Unit unit)
        Sets the min-height of the component. Negative number implies unspecified size (terminal is free to set the size).
        minHeight - the min-height of the object.
        unit - the unit used for the min-height.
      • setMaxHeight

        default void setMaxHeight​(String maxHeight)
        Sets the max-height of the component.

        The height should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "100px" or "2.5em".

        If the provided maxHeight value is null then max-height is removed.

        maxHeight - the max-height value (if null, the property will be removed)
      • setMaxHeight

        default void setMaxHeight​(float maxHeight,
                                  Unit unit)
        Sets the max-height of the component. Negative number implies unspecified size (terminal is free to set the size).
        maxHeight - the max-height of the object.
        unit - the unit used for the max-height.
      • getHeight

        default String getHeight()
        Gets the height defined for the component.

        Note that this does not return the actual size of the component but the height which has been set using setHeight(String).

        the height which has been set for the component
      • getMinHeight

        default String getMinHeight()
        Gets the min-height defined for the component.

        Note that this does not return the actual size of the component but the min-height which has been set using setMinHeight(String).

        the min-height which has been set for the component
      • getMaxHeight

        default String getMaxHeight()
        Gets the max-height defined for the component.

        Note that this does not return the actual size of the component but the max-height which has been set using setMaxHeight(String).

        the max-height which has been set for the component
      • getHeightUnit

        default Optional<Unit> getHeightUnit()
        Gets the height unit of the component, if defined.
        an optional height unit for the component, or an empty optional if no height unit has been set
      • setSizeFull

        default void setSizeFull()
        Sets the width and the height of the component to "100%".

        This is just a convenience method which delegates its call to the setWidth(String) and setHeight(String) methods with "100%" as the argument value

      • setWidthFull

        default void setWidthFull()
        Sets the width of the component to "100%".

        This is just a convenience method which delegates its call to the setWidth(String) with "100%" as the argument value

      • setHeightFull

        default void setHeightFull()
        Sets the height of the component to "100%".

        This is just a convenience method which delegates its call to the setHeight(String) with "100%" as the argument value

      • setSizeUndefined

        default void setSizeUndefined()
        Removes the width and the height of the component.

        This is just a convenience method which delegates its call to the setWidth(String) and setHeight(String) methods with null as the argument value

      • getCssSize

        static String getCssSize​(float size,
                                 Unit unit)
        Utility method for internal use.
        size - Size
        unit - Unit
        Css format size string