Class TemplateModelUtil

  • @Deprecated
    public final class TemplateModelUtil
    extends Object
    This functionality is internal and bound to template model which is not supported for lit template. Polymer template support is deprecated - we recommend you to use LitTemplate instead. Read more details from the Vaadin blog.
    Utility class for mapping Bean values to TemplateModel values.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Detail

      • resolveBeanAndRun

        public static <R> R resolveBeanAndRun​(TemplateModel model,
                                              String modelPath,
                                              BiFunction<BeanModelType<?>,​ElementPropertyMap,​R> callback)
        Resolves a bean model type and model map based on a model instance and passes those values to the provided callback.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the return type
        model - the model instance for which to resolve a type and a map, not null
        modelPath - the model path to resolve, not null
        callback - the callback to run with the resolved bean type and the model map, not null
        the value returned by the callback
      • resolveListAndRun

        public static <R> R resolveListAndRun​(TemplateModel model,
                                              String modelPath,
                                              BiFunction<ListModelType<?>,​ModelList,​R> callback)
        Resolves a list model type and a model list based on a model instance and passes those to the provided callback.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the return type
        model - the model instance for which to resolve a type and a list, not null
        modelPath - the model path to resolve, not null
        callback - the callback to run with the resolved list type and model list, not null
        the value returned by the callback
      • getFilterFromIncludeExclude

        public static Predicate<String> getFilterFromIncludeExclude​(Method method)
        Gets a filter based on any @Include and/or @Exclude annotations present on the given method.
        method - the method to check
        a filter based on the given annotations