Class PolymerTemplate<M extends TemplateModel>

  • Type Parameters:
    M - a model class that will be used for template data propagation
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasElement, DeprecatedPolymerTemplate, Template, Serializable

    public abstract class PolymerTemplate<M extends TemplateModel>
    extends AbstractTemplate<M>
    implements Template
    Polymer template support is deprecated - we recommend you to use LitTemplate instead. Read more details from the Vaadin blog.
    Component for an HTML element declared as a polymer component. The HTML markup should be loaded using the JsModule annotation and the components should be associated with the web component element using the @Tag annotation.

    You may use Id annotation inside your template class for a field to reference an element inside your template via id attribute value. Note that the injected element will have functional limitations on the server side.

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    JsModule, Tag, Id, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolymerTemplate

        public PolymerTemplate​(TemplateParser parser)
        Creates the component that is responsible for Polymer template functionality using the provided parser.
        parser - a template parser
      • PolymerTemplate

        protected PolymerTemplate​(TemplateParser parser,
                                  VaadinService service)
        Creates the component that is responsible for Polymer template functionality using the provided parser.
        parser - a template parser
        service - the related service instance
      • PolymerTemplate

        public PolymerTemplate()
        Creates the component that is responsible for Polymer template functionality.
    • Method Detail

      • getChildren

        public Stream<Component> getChildren()
        Gets the child components of this component.

        The default implementation finds child components by traversing each child Element tree.

        If the component is injected to a PolymerTemplate using the @Id annotation the getChildren method will only return children added from the server side and will not return any children declared in the template file.

        Please note that components defined using @Id are not child components since they are attached inside the Shadow DOM. Only components explicitly added through methods such as HasComponents.add(com.vaadin.flow.component.Component...) or Node.appendChild(Element...) are returned by this method.

        getChildren in class Component
        the child components of this component
        See Also: