Class DateToLongConverter

    • Constructor Detail

      • DateToLongConverter

        public DateToLongConverter()
    • Method Detail

      • convertToModel

        public Result<Long> convertToModel​(Date value,
                                           ValueContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts the given value from presentation type to model type.

        A converter can optionally use locale to do the conversion.

        Specified by:
        convertToModel in interface Converter<Date,​Long>
        value - The value to convert. Can be null
        context - The value context for the conversion.
        The converted value compatible with the source type
      • convertToPresentation

        public Date convertToPresentation​(Long value,
                                          ValueContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts the given value from model type to presentation type.

        A converter can optionally use locale to do the conversion.

        Specified by:
        convertToPresentation in interface Converter<Date,​Long>
        value - The value to convert. Can be null
        context - The value context for the conversion.
        The converted value compatible with the source type