Class PropertyChangeEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyChangeEvent

        public PropertyChangeEvent​(Element element,
                                   String propertyName,
                                   Serializable oldValue,
                                   boolean userOriginated)
        Creates a new PropertyChangeEvent event containing the current property value of the given element.
        element - the source element owning the property, not null
        propertyName - the property name
        oldValue - the previous value held by the source of this event
        userOriginated - true if this event originates from the client, false otherwise.
    • Method Detail

      • getOldValue

        public Serializable getOldValue()
        Returns the value of the source before this value change event occurred.
        the value previously held by the source of this event
      • getValue

        public Serializable getValue()
        Returns the new value that triggered this value change event.
        the new value
      • isUserOriginated

        public boolean isUserOriginated()
        Returns whether this event was triggered by user interaction, on the client side, or programmatically, on the server side.
        true if this event originates from the client, false otherwise.
      • getPropertyName

        public String getPropertyName()
        Returns the property name.
        the property name