Class RouteUtil

  • public class RouteUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class with methods for route handling.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RouteUtil

        protected RouteUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getParentLayouts

        public static List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> getParentLayouts​(VaadinContext context,
                                                                           Class<?> component,
                                                                           String path)
        Get parent layouts for navigation target according to the Route or RouteAlias annotation.
        context - a Vaadin context
        component - navigation target to get parents for
        path - path used to get navigation target so we know which annotation to handle
        parent layouts for target
      • getRoutePath

        public static String getRoutePath​(Class<?> component,
                                          Route route)
        Get the actual route path including all parent layout RoutePrefix.
        component - navigation target component to get route path for
        route - route annotation to check
        actual path for given route target
      • getRoutePath

        public static String getRoutePath​(VaadinContext context,
                                          Class<?> component)
        Get the actual route path including all parent layout RoutePrefix.
        context - a Vaadin context
        component - navigation target component to get route path for
        actual path for given route target
      • getRouteAliasPath

        public static String getRouteAliasPath​(Class<?> component,
                                               RouteAlias alias)
        Get the actual route path including all parent layout RoutePrefix.
        component - navigation target component to get route path for
        alias - route alias annotation to check
        actual path for given route alias target
      • getParentLayoutsForNonRouteTarget

        public static List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> getParentLayoutsForNonRouteTarget​(Class<?> navigationTarget)
        Collect possible route parent layouts for a navigation target that is not annotated with Route nor RouteAlias, but may still contain ParentLayout. Mainly error navigation targets.
        navigationTarget - route to check parent layouts for
        list of parent layouts
      • getTopParentLayout

        public static Class<? extends RouterLayout> getTopParentLayout​(Class<?> component,
                                                                       String path)
        Get the top most parent layout for navigation target according to the Route or RouteAlias annotation. Also handles non route targets with ParentLayout.
        component - navigation target to get top most parent for
        path - path used to get navigation target so we know which annotation to handle or null for error views.
        top parent layout for target or null if none found
      • getTopParentLayout

        public static Class<? extends RouterLayout> getTopParentLayout​(VaadinContext context,
                                                                       Class<?> component,
                                                                       String path)
        Get the top most parent layout for navigation target according to the Route or RouteAlias annotation. Also handles non route targets with ParentLayout.
        component - navigation target to get top most parent for
        path - path used to get navigation target so we know which annotation to handle or null for error views.
        top parent layout for target or null if none found
      • resolve

        public static String resolve​(Class<?> component,
                                     Route route)
        Gets the effective route path value of the annotated class.
        component - the component where the route points to
        route - the annotation
        The value of the annotation or naming convention based value if no explicit value is given.
      • resolve

        public static String resolve​(VaadinContext context,
                                     Class<?> component)
        Gets the effective route path value of the annotated class.
        context - a Vaadin contexxt
        component - the component where the route points to
        The value of the annotation or naming convention based value if no explicit value is given.
      • updateRouteRegistry

        public static void updateRouteRegistry​(RouteRegistry registry,
                                               Set<Class<?>> addedClasses,
                                               Set<Class<?>> modifiedClasses,
                                               Set<Class<?>> deletedClasses)
        Updates route registry as necessary when classes have been added / modified / deleted.
        registry - route registry
        addedClasses - added classes
        modifiedClasses - modified classes
        deletedClasses - deleted classes