Interface EndpointGeneratorTaskFactory

  • public interface EndpointGeneratorTaskFactory
    A factory for creating Vaadin Endpoint generator tasks.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    Vaadin Ltd.
    • Method Detail

      • createTaskGenerateEndpoint

        TaskGenerateEndpoint createTaskGenerateEndpoint​(File applicationProperties,
                                                        File openApi,
                                                        File outputFolder,
                                                        File frontendDirectory)
        Create a task for generating TS files based.
        applicationProperties - application properties file.
        openApi - openApi json file. not null
        outputFolder - the output folder. not null
        frontendDirectory - the frontend folder.
        an endpoint tasks for generating TypeScript files for endpoints.
      • createTaskGenerateOpenAPI

        TaskGenerateOpenAPI createTaskGenerateOpenAPI​(File properties,
                                                      File javaSourceFolder,
                                                      ClassLoader classLoader,
                                                      File output)
        Create a task for generating OpenAPI spec.
        properties - application properties file.
        javaSourceFolder - source paths of the project containing Vaadin Endpoint. not null
        classLoader - The class loader which should be used to resolved types in the source paths. not null
        output - the output path of the generated json file. not null
        an endpoint task that generates open api json file.