Class LocationUtil

  • public class LocationUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class exposing reusable utility methods for location.
    • Method Detail

      • verifyRelativePath

        public static void verifyRelativePath​(String path)
        Throws InvalidLocationException if the provided path is not parseable as a relative path. A relative path should be parseable as a URI without a scheme or host, it should not contain any .. segments and it shouldn't start with /.
        path - the (decoded) path to check, not null
      • parsePathToSegments

        public static List<String> parsePathToSegments​(String path,
                                                       boolean removeExtraParts)
        Parses the given path to parts split by the path separator.

        Ignores the query string and fragment if either is present and removeExtraParts is true. The path is verified with verifyRelativePath(String).

        path - the path to parse
        removeExtraParts - true to remove a potential query string and a URI fragment, false to use the path as is
        tha path split into parts
      • ensureRelativeNonNull

        public static String ensureRelativeNonNull​(String location)
        Handles given location when it is either null or starts with "/".
        location - the location to handle
        the cleaned up location, not null
      • parseQueryParameters

        public static QueryParameters parseQueryParameters​(String location)
        Parses query parameters from the given location.
        location - the location to parse the query parameters from
        the query parameters