Package com.vaadin.flow.component.shared

package com.vaadin.flow.component.shared
  • Class
    A utility class that allows preventing the web component from setting itself to valid as a result of client-side validation.
    Mixin interface for field components that support setting allowed char pattern to prevent user from entering invalid characters when typing or pasting text.
    Mixin interface for field components that support setting auto open to control whether the overlay should open on input click or not.
    Mixin interface for components that support a clear button.
    Mixin interface for subscribing to the client-side `validated` event from a component.
    An event fired by the web component whenever it is validated on the client-side.
    Mixin interface for components that have an internal overlay and support setting CSS class names on it for styling.
    Mixin interface for components that have a prefix slot.
    Mixin interface for components that have a suffix slot.
    HasThemeVariant<TVariantEnum extends ThemeVariant>
    Mixin interface that allows adding and removing typed theme variants to / from a component
    Mixin interface for components that have special handling for tooltips on the Web Component level.
    Mixin interface for components that provide properties for setting invalid state and error message string to show when invalid.
    Util methods for handling child elements inside slots.
    Base definition for a typed theme variant enum of a component
    A handle that can be used to configure and control tooltips.
    Tooltip position in relation to the target element.
    A configuration class for a tooltips default behavior.
    Util methods for component validation