Package com.vaadin.testbench.unit

package com.vaadin.testbench.unit
  • Class
    Query class used for finding a component inside a given search context.
    Test wrapper for components with helpful methods for testing a component.
    Annotation to use to scan given packages for component wrappers outside the default com.vaadin.flow.component.
    A collection of commons predicates to be used as ComponentQuery conditions.
    Class for setting any down meta keys for events supporting meta keys.
    Enums for mouse button values in click events.
    Base JUnit 4 class for UI unit testing applications based on Spring Framework.
    Wrapper annotation for indicating which components a wrapper implementation supports.
    A SpringLookupInitializer that adapts Spring ApplicationContext to WebApplicationContext and registers it into ServletContext so that lookup can be initialized correctly.
    Base JUnit 4 class for UI unit tests.
    Exception thrown by BaseUIUnitTest methods when the mock environment has not been set up correctly.
    Annotation to use to scan given packages for routes and error views.