Class JsonSerializer


public final class JsonSerializer extends Object
General-purpose serializer of Java objects to JsonValue and deserializer of JsonValue to Java objects.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static elemental.json.JsonValue
    toJson(Object bean)
    Converts a Java bean, JsonSerializable instance, String, wrapper of primitive type or enum to a JsonValue.
    static elemental.json.JsonArray
    toJson(Collection<?> beans)
    Converts a collection of object into a JsonArray, converting each item of the collection individually.
    static <T> T
    toObject(Class<T> type, elemental.json.JsonValue json)
    Converts a JsonValue to the corresponding Java object.
    static <T> List<T>
    toObjects(Class<T> type, elemental.json.JsonArray json)
    Converts a JsonArray into a collection of Java objects.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • toJson

      public static elemental.json.JsonValue toJson(Object bean)
      Converts a Java bean, JsonSerializable instance, String, wrapper of primitive type or enum to a JsonValue.

      When a bean is used, a JsonObject is returned.

      bean - Java object to be converted
      the json representation of the Java object
    • toJson

      public static elemental.json.JsonArray toJson(Collection<?> beans)
      Converts a collection of object into a JsonArray, converting each item of the collection individually.
      beans - the collection of objects to be converted
      the json representation of the objects in the collectios. An empty array is returned if the input collections is null
    • toObject

      public static <T> T toObject(Class<T> type, elemental.json.JsonValue json)
      Converts a JsonValue to the corresponding Java object. The Java object can be a Java bean, JsonSerializable instance, String, wrapper of primitive types or an enum.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the resulting object type
      type - the type of the Java object convert the json to
      json - the json representation of the object
      the deserialized object, or null if the input json is null
    • toObjects

      public static <T> List<T> toObjects(Class<T> type, elemental.json.JsonArray json)
      Converts a JsonArray into a collection of Java objects. The Java objects can be Java beans, JsonSerializable instances, Strings, wrappers of primitive types or enums.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the resulting objects types
      type - the type of the elements in the array
      json - the json representation of the objects
      a modifiable list of converted objects. Returns an empty list if the input array is null