Class DefaultBindingExceptionHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
BindingExceptionHandler, Serializable

public class DefaultBindingExceptionHandler extends Object implements BindingExceptionHandler
Default implementation of BindingExceptionHandler.

The handler tries to identify the HasElement field using "label" and "id" property values and if they are not available it tries dump all the attributes and properties in dev mode. The exception is not produced if the element has no any attribute or property.

Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultBindingExceptionHandler

      public DefaultBindingExceptionHandler()
  • Method Details

    • handleException

      public Optional<BindingException> handleException(HasValue<?,?> field, Exception exception)
      Description copied from interface: BindingExceptionHandler
      Produces a BindingException instance based on original exception and field as a subject of the exception.

      If the method returns an empty optional then the original exception will be thrown in the place where it has been caught.

      The produced exception will be thrown instead of the exception and may contain it as a cause and additional information based on the field.

      Specified by:
      handleException in interface BindingExceptionHandler
      field - the subject of the exception
      exception - an exception thrown within binding logic
      an optional BindingException, or an empty optional if no additional information should be provided for the thrown exception