Class AtmospherePushConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
PushConnection, Serializable

public class AtmospherePushConnection extends Object implements PushConnection
A PushConnection implementation using the Atmosphere push support that is by default included in Vaadin.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AtmospherePushConnection

      public AtmospherePushConnection(UI ui)
      Creates an instance connected to the given UI.
      ui - the UI to which this connection belongs
  • Method Details

    • getAtmosphereVersion

      public static String getAtmosphereVersion()
      Gets the Atmosphere version in use, as reported by Version.getRawVersion().
      the Atmosphere version in use or null if Atmosphere was not found
    • push

      public void push()
      Description copied from interface: PushConnection
      Pushes pending state changes and client RPC calls to the client. Can be called even if PushConnection.isConnected() is false; the push will be deferred until a connection is available. It is NOT safe to invoke this method if not holding the session lock.

      This is internal API; please use UI.push() instead.

      Specified by:
      push in interface PushConnection
    • push

      public void push(boolean async)
      Pushes pending state changes and client RPC calls to the client. If isConnected() is false, defers the push until a connection is established.
      async - True if this push asynchronously originates from the server, false if it is a response to a client request.
    • sendMessage

      protected void sendMessage(String message)
      Sends the given message to the current client. Cannot be called if isConnected() returns false.
      message - The message to send
    • receiveMessage

      protected Reader receiveMessage(Reader reader) throws IOException
      Reads and buffers a (possibly partial) message. If a complete message was received, or if the call resulted in the completion of a partially received message, returns a Reader yielding the complete message. Otherwise, returns null.
      reader - A Reader from which to read the (partial) message
      A Reader yielding a complete message or null if the message is not yet complete.
      IOException - if an IO error occurred
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected()
      Description copied from interface: PushConnection
      Returns whether this connection is currently open.
      Specified by:
      isConnected in interface PushConnection
      true if the connection is open, false otherwise
    • connect

      public void connect(org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResource resource)
      Associates this AtmospherePushConnection with the given AtmosphereResource representing an established push connection. If already connected, calls disconnect() first. If there is a deferred push, carries it out via the new connection.
      resource - the resource to associate this connection with
    • getUI

      protected UI getUI()
      the UI associated with this connection.
    • getResource

      protected org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResource getResource()
      The AtmosphereResource associated with this connection or null if connection not open.
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect()
      Description copied from interface: PushConnection
      Closes the connection. Cannot be called if PushConnection.isConnected() is false.
      Specified by:
      disconnect in interface PushConnection
    • connectionLost

      public void connectionLost()
      Called when the connection to the client has been lost.
    • getState

      protected AtmospherePushConnection.State getState()
      Returns the state of this connection.
      the state of this connection
    • enableAtmosphereDebugLogging

      public static void enableAtmosphereDebugLogging()
      Internal method used for reconfiguring loggers to show all Atmosphere log messages in the console.