Class VaadinAppShellInitializer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClassLoaderAwareServletContainerInitializer, VaadinContextStartupInitializer, VaadinServletContextStartupInitializer, jakarta.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer, jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener, Serializable, EventListener

@WebListener public class VaadinAppShellInitializer extends Object implements VaadinServletContextStartupInitializer, jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener, Serializable
Servlet initializer visiting AppShellConfigurator configuration.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • VaadinAppShellInitializer

      public VaadinAppShellInitializer()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(Set<Class<?>> classes, VaadinContext context)
      Description copied from interface: VaadinContextStartupInitializer
      Applies this initializer to the given context
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface VaadinContextStartupInitializer
      classes - the Set of application classes which this initializer needs to do its job
      context - the VaadinContext to use with this initializer
    • init

      public static void init(Set<Class<?>> classes, VaadinContext context)
      Initializes the AppShellRegistry for the application.
      classes - a set of classes that matches the HandlesTypes set in this class.
      context - the VaadinContext.
    • getValidAnnotations

      public static List<Class<? extends Annotation>> getValidAnnotations()
      Return the list of annotations handled by this class. This method is thought to be called from external plugins (e.g. Vaadin Spring) that would need to override the @HandlesTypes-based classpath scanning.
      list of annotations handled by init(Set, VaadinContext)
    • getValidSupers

      public static List<Class<?>> getValidSupers()
      Return the list of super classes handled by this class. This method is thought to be called from external plugins (e.g. Vaadin Spring) that would need to override the @HandlesTypes-based classpath scanning.
      list of super classes handled by init(Set, VaadinContext)
    • contextInitialized

      public void contextInitialized(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent sce)
      Specified by:
      contextInitialized in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener
    • contextDestroyed

      public void contextDestroyed(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent sce)
      Specified by:
      contextDestroyed in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener