Class Chart

All Implemented Interfaces:
AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasElement, HasSize, HasStyle, HasTheme, Serializable

@Tag("vaadin-chart") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter",version="24.3.1") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/charts",version="24.3.1") @JsModule("@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter/style-modules.js") @JsModule("@vaadin/charts/src/vaadin-chart.js") public class Chart extends Component implements HasStyle, HasSize, HasTheme
Vaadin Charts is a feature-rich interactive charting library for Vaadin. It provides multiple different chart types for visualizing one- or two-dimensional tabular data, or scatter data with free X and Y values. You can configure all the chart elements with a powerful API as well as the visual style using CSS. The built-in functionalities allow the user to interact with the chart elements in various ways, and you can define custom interaction with events.

The Chart is a regular Vaadin component, which you can add to any Vaadin layout.

Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Chart

      public Chart()
      Creates a new chart with default configuration
    • Chart

      public Chart(ChartType type)
      Creates a new chart with the given type
      type -
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • onAttach

      protected void onAttach(AttachEvent attachEvent)
      Description copied from class: Component
      Called when the component is attached to a UI.

      The default implementation does nothing.

      This method is invoked before the AttachEvent is fired for the component.

      onAttach in class Component
      attachEvent - the attach event
    • drawChart

      public void drawChart()
      Draws a chart using the current configuration.
      See Also:
    • drawChart

      public void drawChart(boolean resetConfiguration)
      Draws a chart using the current configuration.

      The chart takes the current configuration from getConfiguration().

      Note that if you modify the underlying Series directly, the chart will automatically be updated.

      Note that you don't need to call this method if Configuration is ready before element is attached.

      resetConfiguration - defines whether the chart should be redrawn or not
      See Also:
    • setTimeline

      public void setTimeline(Boolean timeline)
      Determines if the chart is in timeline mode or in normal mode. The following chart types do not support timeline mode:
      • ChartType.PIE
      • ChartType.GAUGE
      • ChartType.SOLIDGAUGE
      • ChartType.PYRAMID
      • ChartType.FUNNEL
      • ChartType.ORGANIZATION
      Enabling timeline mode in these unsupported chart types results in an IllegalArgumentException

      Note: for Timeline chart type see ChartType.TIMELINE and PlotOptionsTimeline.

      timeline - true for timeline chart
    • setVisibilityTogglingDisabled

      public void setVisibilityTogglingDisabled(boolean disabled)
      The series or point visibility is toggled by default if user clicks the legend item that corresponds to the series or point. Calling setVisibilityTogglingDisabled( true) will disable this behavior.
      disabled -
    • getConfiguration

      public Configuration getConfiguration()
      the chart configuration that is used for this chart
    • setConfiguration

      public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
      configuration - new configuration for this chart.
    • getDrilldownCallback

      public DrilldownCallback getDrilldownCallback()
    • setDrilldownCallback

      public void setDrilldownCallback(DrilldownCallback drilldownCallback)
    • addChartAddSeriesListener

      public Registration addChartAddSeriesListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartAddSeriesEvent> listener)
      Adds a chart add series listener, which will be notified after a new series is added to the chart
      listener -
    • addChartAfterPrintListener

      public Registration addChartAfterPrintListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartAfterPrintEvent> listener)
      Adds a chart after print listener, which will be notified after the chart is printed using the print menu
      listener -
    • addChartBeforePrintListener

      public Registration addChartBeforePrintListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartBeforePrintEvent> listener)
      Adds a chart before print listener, which will be notified before the chart is printed using the print menu
      listener -
    • addChartClickListener

      public Registration addChartClickListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartClickEvent> listener)
      Adds chart click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the chart area
      listener -
    • addChartDrillupListener

      public Registration addChartDrillupListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartDrillupEvent> listener)
      Adds chart drillup listener, which will be notified of clicks on the 'Back to previous series' button.
      listener -
    • addChartDrillupAllListener

      public Registration addChartDrillupAllListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartDrillupAllEvent> listener)
      Adds chart drillupall listener, which will be notified after all the series have been drilled up in a chart with multiple drilldown series.
      listener -
    • addChartLoadListener

      public Registration addChartLoadListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartLoadEvent> listener)
      Adds a chart load listener, which will be notified after a chart is loaded
      listener -
    • addChartRedrawListener

      public Registration addChartRedrawListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartRedrawEvent> listener)
      Adds a chart redraw listener, which will be notified after a chart is redrawn
      listener -
    • addCheckBoxClickListener

      public Registration addCheckBoxClickListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesCheckboxClickEvent> listener)
      Adds checkbox click listener, which will be notified when user has clicked a checkbox in the legend
      listener -
    • addDrilldownListener

      public Registration addDrilldownListener(ComponentEventListener<DrilldownEvent> listener)
      Sets the Chart drilldown handler that's responsible for returning the drilldown series for each drilldown callback when doing async drilldown
      listener -
      See Also:
    • addChartSelectionListener

      public Registration addChartSelectionListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartSelectionEvent> listener)
      Adds a chart selection listener

      Note that if a chart selection listener is set, default action for selection is prevented. Most commonly this means that client side zoom doesn't work and you are responsible for setting the zoom, etc in the listener implementation.

      listener -
    • addSeriesLegendItemClickListener

      public Registration addSeriesLegendItemClickListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesLegendItemClickEvent> listener)
      Adds a series legend item click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the legend's items corresponding to a Series

      Note that by default, clicking on a legend item toggles the visibility of its associated series. To disable this behavior call setVisibilityTogglingDisabled(true)

      listener -
      See Also:
    • addPointLegendItemClickListener

      public Registration addPointLegendItemClickListener(ComponentEventListener<PointLegendItemClickEvent> listener)
      Adds a point legend item click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the legend's items corresponding to a Point

      Note that by default, clicking on a legend item toggles the visibility of its associated point. To disable this behavior call setVisibilityTogglingDisabled(true)

      listener -
      See Also:
    • addSeriesAfterAnimateListener

      public Registration addSeriesAfterAnimateListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesAfterAnimateEvent> listener)
      Adds a series after animate listener, which will be notified after a series is animated
      listener -
    • addSeriesClickListener

      public Registration addSeriesClickListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesClickEvent> listener)
      Adds a series click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the series in the chart
      listener -
    • addSeriesHideListener

      public Registration addSeriesHideListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesHideEvent> listener)
      Adds a series hide listener, which will be notified when a series is hidden
      listener -
    • addSeriesMouseOutListener

      public Registration addSeriesMouseOutListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesMouseOutEvent> listener)
      Adds a point mouse out listener, which will be notified when the mouse exits the neighborhood of a series
      listener -
    • addSeriesMouseOverListener

      public Registration addSeriesMouseOverListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesMouseOverEvent> listener)
      Adds a point mouse out listener, which will be notified when the mouse enters the neighborhood of a series
      listener -
    • addSeriesShowListener

      public Registration addSeriesShowListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesShowEvent> listener)
      Adds a series show listener, which will be notified when a series is shown
      listener -
    • addPointClickListener

      public Registration addPointClickListener(ComponentEventListener<PointClickEvent> listener)
      Adds a point click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the points, bars or columns in the chart
      listener -
    • addPointMouseOutListener

      public Registration addPointMouseOutListener(ComponentEventListener<PointMouseOutEvent> listener)
      Adds a point mouse out listener, which will be notified when the mouse exits the neighborhood of a data point
      listener -
    • addPointMouseOverListener

      public Registration addPointMouseOverListener(ComponentEventListener<PointMouseOverEvent> listener)
      Adds a point mouse over listener, which will be notified when the mouse enters the neighborhood of a data point
      listener -
    • addPointRemoveListener

      public Registration addPointRemoveListener(ComponentEventListener<PointRemoveEvent> listener)
      Adds a point remove listener, which will be notified when a data point is removed.
      listener -
    • addPointSelectListener

      public Registration addPointSelectListener(ComponentEventListener<PointSelectEvent> listener)
      Adds a point select listener, which will be notified when a data point is selected.
      listener -
    • addPointUnselectListener

      public Registration addPointUnselectListener(ComponentEventListener<PointUnselectEvent> listener)
      Adds a point unselect listener, which will be notified when a data point is unselected.
      listener -
    • addPointUpdateListener

      public Registration addPointUpdateListener(ComponentEventListener<PointUpdateEvent> listener)
      Adds a point update listener, which will be notified when a data point is updated.
      listener -
    • addXAxesExtremesSetListener

      public Registration addXAxesExtremesSetListener(ComponentEventListener<XAxesExtremesSetEvent> listener)
      Adds a x axes extremes set listener, which will be notified when an x axis extremes are set
      listener -
    • addYAxesExtremesSetListener

      public Registration addYAxesExtremesSetListener(ComponentEventListener<YAxesExtremesSetEvent> listener)
      Adds a y axes extremes set listener, which will be notified when an y axis extremes are set
      listener -
    • addThemeVariants

      public void addThemeVariants(ChartVariant... variants)
      Adds theme variants to the component.
      variants - theme variants to add
    • removeThemeVariants

      public void removeThemeVariants(ChartVariant... variants)
      Removes theme variants from the component.
      variants - theme variants to remove