All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FeatureLayer extends VectorLayer
Layer that allows to conveniently display a number of geographic features. A Feature can be anything that should be displayed on top of a map, such as points of interest, vehicles or people.

The layer is a high-level abstraction built on top of VectorLayer, and uses a VectorSource by default.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FeatureLayer

      public FeatureLayer()
  • Method Details

    • getSource

      public VectorSource getSource()
      The source for this layer. For the feature layer this must always be a VectorSource
      getSource in class VectorLayer
      the source of the layer
    • getFeatures

      public List<Feature> getFeatures()
      The features managed by this layer. This returns an immutable collection, which means it can not be modified. Use addFeature(Feature) and removeFeature(Feature) instead.
      the features managed by the layer, immutable
    • addFeature

      public void addFeature(Feature feature)
      Adds a feature to the layer
      feature - the feature to be added
    • removeFeature

      public void removeFeature(Feature feature)
      Removes a feature from the layer
      feature - the feature to be removed
    • removeAllFeatures

      public void removeAllFeatures()
      Removes all features from the layer