Class FilterUtils


public final class FilterUtils extends Object
Internal filter related utilities for data provider.
Vaadin Ltd
  • Method Details

    • combineFilters

      public static <F, Q, C> F combineFilters(SerializableBiFunction<Q,C,F> filterCombiner, Q queryFilter, C configuredFilter)
      Combines the configured filter and the filter from the query into one filter instance that can be passed to the wrapped data provider using the filterCombiner.
      Type Parameters:
      F - the filter type of the wrapped data provider
      Q - the query filter type
      C - the configurable filter type
      filterCombiner - a filters combiner
      queryFilter - a query filter
      configuredFilter - a configured filter
      a filters combination
    • convertFilter

      public static <T, C, F> F convertFilter(SerializableFunction<C,F> filterConverter, Query<T,C> query)
      Gets the filter converted from a query filter by the filterConverter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - data type
      C - the filter type that the wrapped data provider accepts; typically provided by a Component
      F - the filter type of data provider
      filterConverter - callback that converts the filter in the query of the wrapped data provider into a filter supported by this data provider. Will only be called if the query contains a filter. Not null
      query - a query with a filter to convert
      a converted filter, may be null if the query has no filter