Class BeforeEnterEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BeforeEnterEvent extends BeforeEvent
Event created before navigation happens.
Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BeforeEnterEvent

      public BeforeEnterEvent(NavigationEvent event, Class<?> navigationTarget, List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> layouts)
      Constructs event from a NavigationEvent.
      event - NavigationEvent that is on-going, not null
      navigationTarget - navigation target, not null
      layouts - navigation layout chain, not null
    • BeforeEnterEvent

      public BeforeEnterEvent(NavigationEvent event, Class<?> navigationTarget, RouteParameters parameters, List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> layouts)
      Constructs event from a NavigationEvent.
      event - NavigationEvent that is on-going, not null
      navigationTarget - navigation target, not null
      parameters - route parameters, not null
      layouts - navigation layout chain, not null
    • BeforeEnterEvent

      public BeforeEnterEvent(Router router, NavigationTrigger trigger, Location location, Class<?> navigationTarget, UI ui, List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> layouts)
      Constructs a new BeforeEnterEvent.
      router - the router that triggered the change, not null
      trigger - the type of user action that triggered this location change, not null
      location - the new location, not null
      navigationTarget - navigation target class, not null
      ui - the UI related to the navigation, not null
      layouts - the layout chain for the navigation target, not null
    • BeforeEnterEvent

      public BeforeEnterEvent(Router router, NavigationTrigger trigger, Location location, Class<?> navigationTarget, RouteParameters parameters, UI ui, List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> layouts)
      Constructs a new BeforeEnterEvent.
      router - the router that triggered the change, not null
      trigger - the type of user action that triggered this location change, not null
      location - the new location, not null
      navigationTarget - navigation target class, not null
      parameters - route parameters, not null
      ui - the UI related to the navigation, not null
      layouts - the layout chain for the navigation target, not null
  • Method Details

    • isRefreshEvent

      public boolean isRefreshEvent()
      Check if event is for a refresh of a preserveOnRefresh view.
      true if refresh of a preserve on refresh view
    • isErrorEvent

      public boolean isErrorEvent()
      Check if the event is fired by an error handler.
      true if the event is fired by an error handler.