Class DevServerOutputTracker


public class DevServerOutputTracker extends Object
Tracks the output of a dev server and scans for given success and/or failure patterns while copying the dev server output to standard output.

Triggers an event whenever a success or failure pattern is found on a row.

  • Constructor Details

    • DevServerOutputTracker

      public DevServerOutputTracker(InputStream inputStream, Pattern success, Pattern failure, Consumer<DevServerOutputTracker.Result> onMatch)
      Creates a new finder that scans for the given success and/or failure pattern.
      inputStream - the stream to scan
      success - the pattern indicating success
      failure - the pattern indicating failure
      onMatch - callback triggered when either success or failure is found
  • Method Details

    • serverRestartGuard

      public Runnable serverRestartGuard(Pattern restartingPattern, Pattern restartedPattern)
      Gets a guard object that blocks the current request to dev-server when dev-server is performing a restart operation.
      restartingPattern - a pattern to match with the output to determine that the server is restarting.
      restartedPattern - a pattern to match with the output to determine that the server has been restarted.
      a Runnable instance that blocks execution during dev server restarts, never null.
    • find

      public void find()
      Runs the find operation.
    • awaitFirstMatch

      public boolean awaitFirstMatch(int timeoutInSeconds) throws InterruptedException
      Blocks until the first match is found and the callback has been run.
      timeoutInSeconds - the maximum number of seconds to wait
      true if a match was found, false if a timeout occurred
      InterruptedException - if the finder thread is interrupted