Volatile reference synchronized by an initialisation lock that allows for recreation of the cluster.
Volatile reference synchronized by an initialisation lock that allows for recreation of the cluster.
A Cassandra Cluster object.
Public accessor for the cluster method.
Public accessor for the cluster method.
A reference to the cluster being used.
This method tells the manager how to create a Cassandra cluster out of the provided settings.
This method tells the manager how to create a Cassandra cluster out of the provided settings. It deals with the underlying Datastax Cluster builder with a set of defaults that can be easily overridden.
The purpose of this method, beyond DRY, is to allow users to override the building of a cluster with whatever they need.
A reference to a Cassandra/DSE cluster.
Creates the CQL query to be executed when phantom connectors guarantee the existence of the keySpace before connection.
Creates the CQL query to be executed when phantom connectors guarantee the existence of the keySpace before connection. By default, this will use lightweight transactions in Cassandra(IF NOT EXISTS queries) to guarantee data is not overwritten.
The string name of the KeySpace the manager needs to use.
The CQL Query that will be executed to create the KeySpace.
Determines whether a connection error thrown is fatal.
Determines whether a connection error thrown is fatal. This filters for certain Datastax Java Driver errors, such as a TimeoutError or a ChannelClosedException. It re-creates the cluster in events when it is possible.
The exception that was thrown in the connection pipeline.
A Boolean marking whether or not a re-connection should be attempted.