

package basics

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed class CompositeKeyRecipes extends dsl.CassandraTable[ConcreteCompositeKeyRecipes, Recipe]

    In this example we will create a table storing recipes.

  2. abstract class ConcreteCompositeKeyRecipes extends CompositeKeyRecipes with RootConnector

  3. abstract class ConcreteRecipes extends Recipes with RootConnector

  4. abstract class ConcreteSecondaryKeyRecipes extends SecondaryKeyRecipes with RootConnector

  5. abstract class ConcreteThriftTable extends ThriftTable with RootConnector

  6. trait DefaultZookeeperConnector extends RootConnector

  7. trait DockerConnector extends Connector

  8. trait ExampleConnector extends Connector

    This is an example of how to connect to Cassandra in the easiest possible way.

  9. trait KeyspaceDefinition extends AnyRef

  10. case class Recipe(id: UUID, name: String, title: String, author: String, description: String, ingredients: Set[String], props: Map[String, String], timestamp: DateTime) extends Product with Serializable

    In this example we will create a simple table storing recipes.

  11. sealed class Recipes extends dsl.CassandraTable[Recipes, Recipe]

  12. trait SampleModel extends ThriftStruct with Product3[String, String, Option[String]] with Serializable

  13. case class SampleRecord(stuff: String, someList: List[String], thriftModel: SampleModel) extends Product with Serializable

  14. sealed class SecondaryKeyRecipes extends dsl.CassandraTable[ConcreteSecondaryKeyRecipes, Recipe]

    In this example we will create a table storing recipes with a SecondaryKey.

  15. sealed class ThriftTable extends dsl.CassandraTable[ConcreteThriftTable, SampleRecord]

Value Members

  1. object Defaults extends KeyspaceDefinition

  2. object RemoteConnector extends KeyspaceDefinition

    This is an example of how to connect to a custom set of hosts and ports.

  3. object SampleModel extends ThriftStructCodec3[SampleModel] with Serializable

  4. object ZkDefaults extends KeyspaceDefinition

    Now you might ask yourself how to use service discovery with phantom.
