

package thrift

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CollectionThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends ThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType] with CollectionValueDefinition[ValueType]

  2. abstract class OptionalThriftColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends OptionalColumn[T, R, ValueType] with ThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType]

  3. abstract class ThriftColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends Column[T, R, ValueType] with ThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType]

  4. trait ThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

  5. abstract class ThriftListColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends AbstractListColumn[T, R, ValueType] with CollectionThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType]

  6. abstract class ThriftMapColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, KeyType, ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends AbstractMapColumn[T, R, KeyType, ValueType] with CollectionThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  7. abstract class ThriftSetColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType <: ThriftStruct] extends AbstractSetColumn[T, R, ValueType] with CollectionThriftColumnDefinition[ValueType]

  8. trait ThriftTest extends ThriftStruct with Product3[Int, String, Boolean] with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ThriftTest extends ThriftStructCodec3[ThriftTest] with Serializable
