

package dsl

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. dsl
  2. PredicateOps
  3. ImplicitConversions
  4. ReturnImplicits
  5. DefaultImports
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AttributeReturnExpression[GO <: GraphObject[GO, R], R, T](attribute: Attribute[GO, R, T])(implicit reads: Reads[T]) extends ReturnExpression[T] with Product with Serializable

    Expression that defines return data being an attribute of a graph object.

    Expression that defines return data being an attribute of a graph object.


    Returned type - an attribute concrete type in this case.


    Attribute type to be returned.

  2. abstract class Criteria[Owner <: GraphObject[Owner, _]] extends AnyRef

    Filtering criteria applied to a selected node.

    Filtering criteria applied to a selected node. The criteria is referred to a single object type of the graph schema.

  3. trait DefaultImports extends AnyRef

    Implicit definitions used in DSL.

  4. sealed trait Direction extends AnyRef

  5. class EqualsCriteria[Owner <: GraphObject[Owner, _], T] extends Criteria[Owner]

  6. trait ImplicitConversions extends AnyRef

    Commonly used implicit conversions

  7. sealed trait LimitBind extends AnyRef

  8. abstract class Node[Owner <: Node[Owner, Record], Record] extends GraphObject[Owner, Record]

    The first class citizen in the DSL implementation serving the purpose of defining node metadata.

    The first class citizen in the DSL implementation serving the purpose of defining node metadata.

    User needs to extend this class when defining nodes he/she wants to use in the queries.

  9. case class ObjectReturnExpression[GO <: GraphObject[GO, R], R](go: GraphObject[GO, R]) extends ReturnExpression[R] with Product with Serializable

    Expression that defines return value being a graph object.

    Expression that defines return value being a graph object.


    Class of the graph object definition


    Returned type - graph object record type in this case


    Graph object being returned.

  10. sealed trait OrderBind extends AnyRef

  11. sealed trait PNil extends Pattern

  12. sealed trait Pattern extends AnyRef

    ADT root for Pattern object.

  13. final case class PatternLink[GO <: GraphObject[GO, _], PC <: Pattern](dir: Direction, node: GraphObjectSelection[GO], next: PC = PNil) extends Pattern with Product with Serializable

    Relation defines path to other node in the query.

    Relation defines path to other node in the query. It defines relationship between the nodes and direction to/from the relationship. n - r - n - r - n

  14. implicit class PredicateFunctions[V] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  15. trait PredicateOps extends AnyRef

  16. class QueryBuilderContext extends AnyRef

    Context encapsulates available aliases used for query construction.

  17. abstract class Relationship[Owner <: Relationship[Owner, Record], Record] extends GraphObject[Owner, Record]

    The first class citizen in the DSL implementation serving the purpose of defining relationship metadata.

    The first class citizen in the DSL implementation serving the purpose of defining relationship metadata.

    User needs to extend this class when defining nodes he/she wants to use in the queries.

  18. sealed trait RelationshipBind extends AnyRef

  19. sealed trait ReturnBind extends AnyRef

  20. abstract class ReturnExpression[R] extends AnyRef

    Return expression defines the element of nodes that need to be returned.

    Return expression defines the element of nodes that need to be returned. It can be the whole node or particular attributes.


    Returned type - it can be a type of graph object or it's attribute

  21. trait ReturnImplicits extends AnyRef

    Implicits converting com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.GraphObject to com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.ObjectReturnExpression and com.websudos.reactiveneo.attribute.AbstractAttribute to com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.AttributeReturnExpression

  22. sealed trait WhereBind extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Both extends Direction

  2. object Left extends Direction

  3. object PNil extends PNil with Product with Serializable

  4. object Right extends Direction

  5. object Start extends Direction

    Used for the first link in the pattern.

  6. implicit def attributeToReturnExpression[GO <: GraphObject[GO, R], R, T](attr: Attribute[GO, R, T])(implicit reads: Reads[T]): AttributeReturnExpression[GO, R, T]

    Definition Classes
  7. implicit val booleanFormatter: BooleanFormatter

    Definition Classes
  8. implicit val doubleFormatter: DoubleFormatter

    Definition Classes
  9. implicit def graphObjectToReturnExpression[GO <: GraphObject[GO, R], R](go: GraphObject[GO, R]): ObjectReturnExpression[GO, R]

    Definition Classes
  10. implicit val intFormatter: IntegerFormatter

    Definition Classes
  11. implicit def patternToQuery[P <: Pattern](p: P): MatchQuery[P, WhereUnbound, ReturnUnbound, OrderUnbound, LimitUnbound, _]

    Conversion that simplifies query building.

    Conversion that simplifies query building. It allows to build the query directly from a pattern. PersonNode(p=> := "Mark").returns(p=>p)


    Pattern type.


    Predicate that forms initial node for the query


    Returns query object.

    Definition Classes
  12. implicit def selectionToPattern[N <: Node[N, _]](sel: GraphObjectSelection[N]): PatternLink[N, PNil]

    Convert single node selection to the com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.Pattern object

    Convert single node selection to the com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.Pattern object


    Type of node


    Graph node selection


    Returns Pattern with given com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.GraphObjectSelection as root.

    Definition Classes
  13. implicit def selectionToQuery[N <: Node[N, _]](sel: GraphObjectSelection[N]): MatchQuery[PatternLink[N, PNil], WhereUnbound, ReturnUnbound, OrderUnbound, LimitUnbound, _]

    Convert single node selection to the com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.MatchQuery object

    Convert single node selection to the com.websudos.reactiveneo.dsl.MatchQuery object


    Type of node


    Graph node selection


    Returns Query object.

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit val stringFormatter: StringFormatter

    Definition Classes
  15. implicit def stringToQuery(str: String): BuiltQuery

    Wraps a string with a BuiltQuery object.

    Wraps a string with a BuiltQuery object.


    String to wrap


    Returns query object.

    Definition Classes
  16. object ~~

Inherited from PredicateOps

Inherited from ImplicitConversions

Inherited from ReturnImplicits

Inherited from DefaultImports

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
