
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package com
    Definition Classes
  • package wix
    Definition Classes
  • package accord
    Definition Classes
  • package combinators

    Aggregates all implemented combinators for use by the DSL.

    Aggregates all implemented combinators for use by the DSL. Can, though not intended to, be used directly by end-user code.

  • package dsl

    Provides a DSL for defining validation rules.

    Provides a DSL for defining validation rules.


    Accord provides a convenient DSL for defining validation rules. To define a validator over some type T, import this package and invoke validator[T]. You can then use the provided sample object to define various rules:

    scala> case class Person( name: String, age: Int )
    defined class Person
    scala> import com.wix.accord.dsl._    // Import the validator DSL
    import com.wix.accord.dsl._
    scala> implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p =>
         |   // Validation rules:
         | is notEmpty
         |   p.age should be >= 18
         | }
    personValidator: com.wix.accord.transform.ValidationTransform.TransformedValidator[Person] = <function1>

    Accord adds an implicit logical and relation between the rules, so all rules must apply in order for the validation to be successful. You can specify as many rules as you like.


    Each validation rule has an associated description (accessible via com.wix.accord.Violation.description). This description is automatically generated by Accord:

    scala> import com.wix.accord._
    import com.wix.accord._
    scala> validate( Person( "", 15 ) )
    res1: com.wix.accord.Result = Failure(Set(RuleViolation(,must not be empty,Some(name)), RuleViolation(15,got 15, expected 18 or more,Some(age))))

    You can also explicitly provide a description with the "as" modifier:

    scala> implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p =>
         | as "Full name" is notEmpty
         |   p.age as "Age" should be >= 18
         | }
    personValidator: com.wix.accord.transform.ValidationTransform.TransformedValidator[Person] = <function1>
    scala> validate( Person( "", 15 ) )
    res2: com.wix.accord.Result = Failure(Set(RuleViolation(,must not be empty,Some(Full name)), RuleViolation(15,got 15, expected 18 or more,Some(Age))))


    Accord offers a built-in library of building blocks (called "combinators") that can be composed into more complex validation rules:

    // Equality
    sample.field is equalTo( "value" )
    sample.field is notEqualTo( "value" )
    // Nullability (only applies to reference types)
    sample.field is aNull
    sample.field is notNull
    // Delegation
    sample.field is valid    					// Implicitly, or
    sample.field is valid( myOwnValidator )		// Explicitly
    // Booleans
    sample.booleanField is true
    sample.booleanField is false
    // Strings
    sample.stringField should startWith( "prefix" )
    sample.stringField should endWith( "suffix" )
    sample.stringField should matchRegex( "b[aeiou]t" )       // Matches "bat" and "dingbat"
    sample.stringField should matchRegexFully( "b[aeiou]t" )  // Matches "bat" but not "dingbat"
    sample.stringField should matchRegex( pattern )           // You can also use java.util.regex.Pattern
    sample.stringField should matchRegex( regex )             // ... or scala.util.matching.Regex
    sample.stringField is blank                               // Matches empty or whitespace-only strings
    sample.stringField is notBlank
    // You can use "must" instead of "should":
    sample.stringField must startWith( "prefix" )
    // Strings are also "collection-like", so all collection combinators apply (see below)
    sample.stringField is notEmpty
    // Numerics (applies to any type with an instance of scala.math.Ordering in implicit search scope):
    sample.intField should be < 5
    sample.intField should be > 5
    sample.intField should be <= 5
    sample.intField should be >= 5
    sample.intField should be == 5
    sample.intField is between( 0, 10 )
    sample.intField is between( 0, 10 ).exclusive
    sample.intField is within( 0 to 10 )              // Inclusive
    sample.intField is within( 0 until 10 )           // Exclusive
    // Emptiness
    sample.seq is empty
    sample.seq is notEmpty
    // This applies to any type that has a boolean "isEmpty" property, such as string)
    // The "each" modifier applies the validation to all members of a collection:
    sample.seq.each should be >= 10
    sample.option.each should be >= 10                // Allows None or Some(15)
    // Size (applies to any type with an integer "size" property)
    // See "Numerics" above for additional operations
    sample.seq has size >= 8
    sample.entities have size >= 8		// You can use "have" in place of "has"
    Boolean Expressions
    // Logical AND (not strictly required, since you can just split into separate rules)
    ( is notEmpty ) and ( person.age should be >= 18 )
    // Logical OR
    ( is notEmpty ) or ( person.phoneNumber is notEmpty )
    // You can also nest rules:
    ( fromJava.tags is aNull ) or (
      ( fromJava.tags is notEmpty ) and
      ( fromJava.tags.each should matchRegexFully( "\\S+" ) )
  • package transform
  • DescriptionBuilders
  • LowPriorityDescriptionBuilders
  • ResultBuilders



package accord

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. accord
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package combinators

    Aggregates all implemented combinators for use by the DSL.

    Aggregates all implemented combinators for use by the DSL. Can, though not intended to, be used directly by end-user code.

  2. package dsl

    Provides a DSL for defining validation rules.

    Provides a DSL for defining validation rules.


    Accord provides a convenient DSL for defining validation rules. To define a validator over some type T, import this package and invoke validator[T]. You can then use the provided sample object to define various rules:

    scala> case class Person( name: String, age: Int )
    defined class Person
    scala> import com.wix.accord.dsl._    // Import the validator DSL
    import com.wix.accord.dsl._
    scala> implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p =>
         |   // Validation rules:
         | is notEmpty
         |   p.age should be >= 18
         | }
    personValidator: com.wix.accord.transform.ValidationTransform.TransformedValidator[Person] = <function1>

    Accord adds an implicit logical and relation between the rules, so all rules must apply in order for the validation to be successful. You can specify as many rules as you like.


    Each validation rule has an associated description (accessible via com.wix.accord.Violation.description). This description is automatically generated by Accord:

    scala> import com.wix.accord._
    import com.wix.accord._
    scala> validate( Person( "", 15 ) )
    res1: com.wix.accord.Result = Failure(Set(RuleViolation(,must not be empty,Some(name)), RuleViolation(15,got 15, expected 18 or more,Some(age))))

    You can also explicitly provide a description with the "as" modifier:

    scala> implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p =>
         | as "Full name" is notEmpty
         |   p.age as "Age" should be >= 18
         | }
    personValidator: com.wix.accord.transform.ValidationTransform.TransformedValidator[Person] = <function1>
    scala> validate( Person( "", 15 ) )
    res2: com.wix.accord.Result = Failure(Set(RuleViolation(,must not be empty,Some(Full name)), RuleViolation(15,got 15, expected 18 or more,Some(Age))))


    Accord offers a built-in library of building blocks (called "combinators") that can be composed into more complex validation rules:

    // Equality
    sample.field is equalTo( "value" )
    sample.field is notEqualTo( "value" )
    // Nullability (only applies to reference types)
    sample.field is aNull
    sample.field is notNull
    // Delegation
    sample.field is valid    					// Implicitly, or
    sample.field is valid( myOwnValidator )		// Explicitly
    // Booleans
    sample.booleanField is true
    sample.booleanField is false
    // Strings
    sample.stringField should startWith( "prefix" )
    sample.stringField should endWith( "suffix" )
    sample.stringField should matchRegex( "b[aeiou]t" )       // Matches "bat" and "dingbat"
    sample.stringField should matchRegexFully( "b[aeiou]t" )  // Matches "bat" but not "dingbat"
    sample.stringField should matchRegex( pattern )           // You can also use java.util.regex.Pattern
    sample.stringField should matchRegex( regex )             // ... or scala.util.matching.Regex
    sample.stringField is blank                               // Matches empty or whitespace-only strings
    sample.stringField is notBlank
    // You can use "must" instead of "should":
    sample.stringField must startWith( "prefix" )
    // Strings are also "collection-like", so all collection combinators apply (see below)
    sample.stringField is notEmpty
    // Numerics (applies to any type with an instance of scala.math.Ordering in implicit search scope):
    sample.intField should be < 5
    sample.intField should be > 5
    sample.intField should be <= 5
    sample.intField should be >= 5
    sample.intField should be == 5
    sample.intField is between( 0, 10 )
    sample.intField is between( 0, 10 ).exclusive
    sample.intField is within( 0 to 10 )              // Inclusive
    sample.intField is within( 0 until 10 )           // Exclusive
    // Emptiness
    sample.seq is empty
    sample.seq is notEmpty
    // This applies to any type that has a boolean "isEmpty" property, such as string)
    // The "each" modifier applies the validation to all members of a collection:
    sample.seq.each should be >= 10
    sample.option.each should be >= 10                // Allows None or Some(15)
    // Size (applies to any type with an integer "size" property)
    // See "Numerics" above for additional operations
    sample.seq has size >= 8
    sample.entities have size >= 8		// You can use "have" in place of "has"
    Boolean Expressions
    // Logical AND (not strictly required, since you can just split into separate rules)
    ( is notEmpty ) and ( person.age should be >= 18 )
    // Logical OR
    ( is notEmpty ) or ( person.phoneNumber is notEmpty )
    // You can also nest rules:
    ( fromJava.tags is aNull ) or (
      ( fromJava.tags is notEmpty ) and
      ( fromJava.tags.each should matchRegexFully( "\\S+" ) )
  3. package transform

Type Members

  1. trait DescriptionBuilders extends LowPriorityDescriptionBuilders
  2. trait LowPriorityDescriptionBuilders extends AnyRef
  3. trait ResultBuilders extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def validate[T](x: T)(implicit validator: Validator[T]): Result
  2. object DescriptionBuilders extends DescriptionBuilders
  3. object ResultBuilders extends ResultBuilders

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
