Package onnx

Interface Onnx.AttributeProtoOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Onnx.AttributeProto, Onnx.AttributeProto.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Onnx.AttributeProtoOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasName

      boolean hasName()
       The name field MUST be present for this version of the IR.
      optional string name = 1;
      Whether the name field is set.
    • getName

      String getName()
       The name field MUST be present for this version of the IR.
      optional string name = 1;
      The name.
    • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
       The name field MUST be present for this version of the IR.
      optional string name = 1;
      The bytes for name.
    • hasRefAttrName

      boolean hasRefAttrName()
       if ref_attr_name is not empty, ref_attr_name is the attribute name in parent function.
       In this case, this AttributeProto does not contain data, and it's a reference of attribute
       in parent scope.
       NOTE: This should ONLY be used in function (sub-graph). It's invalid to be used in main graph.
      optional string ref_attr_name = 21;
      Whether the refAttrName field is set.
    • getRefAttrName

      String getRefAttrName()
       if ref_attr_name is not empty, ref_attr_name is the attribute name in parent function.
       In this case, this AttributeProto does not contain data, and it's a reference of attribute
       in parent scope.
       NOTE: This should ONLY be used in function (sub-graph). It's invalid to be used in main graph.
      optional string ref_attr_name = 21;
      The refAttrName.
    • getRefAttrNameBytes getRefAttrNameBytes()
       if ref_attr_name is not empty, ref_attr_name is the attribute name in parent function.
       In this case, this AttributeProto does not contain data, and it's a reference of attribute
       in parent scope.
       NOTE: This should ONLY be used in function (sub-graph). It's invalid to be used in main graph.
      optional string ref_attr_name = 21;
      The bytes for refAttrName.
    • hasDocString

      boolean hasDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this attribute. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 13;
      Whether the docString field is set.
    • getDocString

      String getDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this attribute. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 13;
      The docString.
    • getDocStringBytes getDocStringBytes()
       A human-readable documentation for this attribute. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 13;
      The bytes for docString.
    • hasType

      boolean hasType()
       The type field MUST be present for this version of the IR.
       For 0.0.1 versions of the IR, this field was not defined, and
       implementations needed to use has_field heuristics to determine
       which value field was in use.  For IR_VERSION 0.0.2 or later, this
       field MUST be set and match the f|i|s|t|... field in use.  This
       change was made to accommodate proto3 implementations.
      optional .onnx.AttributeProto.AttributeType type = 20;
      Whether the type field is set.
    • getType

       The type field MUST be present for this version of the IR.
       For 0.0.1 versions of the IR, this field was not defined, and
       implementations needed to use has_field heuristics to determine
       which value field was in use.  For IR_VERSION 0.0.2 or later, this
       field MUST be set and match the f|i|s|t|... field in use.  This
       change was made to accommodate proto3 implementations.
      optional .onnx.AttributeProto.AttributeType type = 20;
      The type.
    • hasF

      boolean hasF()
       Exactly ONE of the following fields must be present for this version of the IR
      optional float f = 2;
      Whether the f field is set.
    • getF

      float getF()
       Exactly ONE of the following fields must be present for this version of the IR
      optional float f = 2;
      The f.
    • hasI

      boolean hasI()
      optional int64 i = 3;
      Whether the i field is set.
    • getI

      long getI()
      optional int64 i = 3;
      The i.
    • hasS

      boolean hasS()
       UTF-8 string
      optional bytes s = 4;
      Whether the s field is set.
    • getS getS()
       UTF-8 string
      optional bytes s = 4;
      The s.
    • hasT

      boolean hasT()
       tensor value
      optional .onnx.TensorProto t = 5;
      Whether the t field is set.
    • getT

       tensor value
      optional .onnx.TensorProto t = 5;
      The t.
    • getTOrBuilder

      Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder getTOrBuilder()
       tensor value
      optional .onnx.TensorProto t = 5;
    • hasG

      boolean hasG()
      optional .onnx.GraphProto g = 6;
      Whether the g field is set.
    • getG

      optional .onnx.GraphProto g = 6;
      The g.
    • getGOrBuilder

      Onnx.GraphProtoOrBuilder getGOrBuilder()
      optional .onnx.GraphProto g = 6;
    • hasSparseTensor

      boolean hasSparseTensor()
       sparse tensor value
      optional .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensor = 22;
      Whether the sparseTensor field is set.
    • getSparseTensor

      Onnx.SparseTensorProto getSparseTensor()
       sparse tensor value
      optional .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensor = 22;
      The sparseTensor.
    • getSparseTensorOrBuilder

      Onnx.SparseTensorProtoOrBuilder getSparseTensorOrBuilder()
       sparse tensor value
      optional .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensor = 22;
    • hasTp

      boolean hasTp()
       Do not use field below, it's deprecated.
       optional ValueProto v = 12;         // value - subsumes everything but graph
      optional .onnx.TypeProto tp = 14;
      Whether the tp field is set.
    • getTp

       Do not use field below, it's deprecated.
       optional ValueProto v = 12;         // value - subsumes everything but graph
      optional .onnx.TypeProto tp = 14;
      The tp.
    • getTpOrBuilder

      Onnx.TypeProtoOrBuilder getTpOrBuilder()
       Do not use field below, it's deprecated.
       optional ValueProto v = 12;         // value - subsumes everything but graph
      optional .onnx.TypeProto tp = 14;
    • getFloatsList

      List<Float> getFloatsList()
       list of floats
      repeated float floats = 7;
      A list containing the floats.
    • getFloatsCount

      int getFloatsCount()
       list of floats
      repeated float floats = 7;
      The count of floats.
    • getFloats

      float getFloats(int index)
       list of floats
      repeated float floats = 7;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The floats at the given index.
    • getIntsList

      List<Long> getIntsList()
       list of ints
      repeated int64 ints = 8;
      A list containing the ints.
    • getIntsCount

      int getIntsCount()
       list of ints
      repeated int64 ints = 8;
      The count of ints.
    • getInts

      long getInts(int index)
       list of ints
      repeated int64 ints = 8;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The ints at the given index.
    • getStringsList

      List<> getStringsList()
       list of UTF-8 strings
      repeated bytes strings = 9;
      A list containing the strings.
    • getStringsCount

      int getStringsCount()
       list of UTF-8 strings
      repeated bytes strings = 9;
      The count of strings.
    • getStrings getStrings(int index)
       list of UTF-8 strings
      repeated bytes strings = 9;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The strings at the given index.
    • getTensorsList

      List<Onnx.TensorProto> getTensorsList()
       list of tensors
      repeated .onnx.TensorProto tensors = 10;
    • getTensors

      Onnx.TensorProto getTensors(int index)
       list of tensors
      repeated .onnx.TensorProto tensors = 10;
    • getTensorsCount

      int getTensorsCount()
       list of tensors
      repeated .onnx.TensorProto tensors = 10;
    • getTensorsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder> getTensorsOrBuilderList()
       list of tensors
      repeated .onnx.TensorProto tensors = 10;
    • getTensorsOrBuilder

      Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorsOrBuilder(int index)
       list of tensors
      repeated .onnx.TensorProto tensors = 10;
    • getGraphsList

      List<Onnx.GraphProto> getGraphsList()
       list of graph
      repeated .onnx.GraphProto graphs = 11;
    • getGraphs

      Onnx.GraphProto getGraphs(int index)
       list of graph
      repeated .onnx.GraphProto graphs = 11;
    • getGraphsCount

      int getGraphsCount()
       list of graph
      repeated .onnx.GraphProto graphs = 11;
    • getGraphsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.GraphProtoOrBuilder> getGraphsOrBuilderList()
       list of graph
      repeated .onnx.GraphProto graphs = 11;
    • getGraphsOrBuilder

      Onnx.GraphProtoOrBuilder getGraphsOrBuilder(int index)
       list of graph
      repeated .onnx.GraphProto graphs = 11;
    • getSparseTensorsList

      List<Onnx.SparseTensorProto> getSparseTensorsList()
       list of sparse tensors
      repeated .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensors = 23;
    • getSparseTensors

      Onnx.SparseTensorProto getSparseTensors(int index)
       list of sparse tensors
      repeated .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensors = 23;
    • getSparseTensorsCount

      int getSparseTensorsCount()
       list of sparse tensors
      repeated .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensors = 23;
    • getSparseTensorsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.SparseTensorProtoOrBuilder> getSparseTensorsOrBuilderList()
       list of sparse tensors
      repeated .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensors = 23;
    • getSparseTensorsOrBuilder

      Onnx.SparseTensorProtoOrBuilder getSparseTensorsOrBuilder(int index)
       list of sparse tensors
      repeated .onnx.SparseTensorProto sparse_tensors = 23;
    • getTypeProtosList

      List<Onnx.TypeProto> getTypeProtosList()
       list of type protos
      repeated .onnx.TypeProto type_protos = 15;
    • getTypeProtos

      Onnx.TypeProto getTypeProtos(int index)
       list of type protos
      repeated .onnx.TypeProto type_protos = 15;
    • getTypeProtosCount

      int getTypeProtosCount()
       list of type protos
      repeated .onnx.TypeProto type_protos = 15;
    • getTypeProtosOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.TypeProtoOrBuilder> getTypeProtosOrBuilderList()
       list of type protos
      repeated .onnx.TypeProto type_protos = 15;
    • getTypeProtosOrBuilder

      Onnx.TypeProtoOrBuilder getTypeProtosOrBuilder(int index)
       list of type protos
      repeated .onnx.TypeProto type_protos = 15;