Package onnx

Interface Onnx.ModelProtoOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Onnx.ModelProto, Onnx.ModelProto.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Onnx.ModelProtoOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasIrVersion

      boolean hasIrVersion()
       The version of the IR this model targets. See Version enum above.
       This field MUST be present.
      optional int64 ir_version = 1;
      Whether the irVersion field is set.
    • getIrVersion

      long getIrVersion()
       The version of the IR this model targets. See Version enum above.
       This field MUST be present.
      optional int64 ir_version = 1;
      The irVersion.
    • getOpsetImportList

      List<Onnx.OperatorSetIdProto> getOpsetImportList()
       The OperatorSets this model relies on.
       All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that
       specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is
       being imported.
       All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator
       with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version
       in the referenced operator sets.
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8;
    • getOpsetImport

      Onnx.OperatorSetIdProto getOpsetImport(int index)
       The OperatorSets this model relies on.
       All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that
       specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is
       being imported.
       All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator
       with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version
       in the referenced operator sets.
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8;
    • getOpsetImportCount

      int getOpsetImportCount()
       The OperatorSets this model relies on.
       All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that
       specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is
       being imported.
       All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator
       with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version
       in the referenced operator sets.
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8;
    • getOpsetImportOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.OperatorSetIdProtoOrBuilder> getOpsetImportOrBuilderList()
       The OperatorSets this model relies on.
       All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that
       specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is
       being imported.
       All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator
       with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version
       in the referenced operator sets.
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8;
    • getOpsetImportOrBuilder

      Onnx.OperatorSetIdProtoOrBuilder getOpsetImportOrBuilder(int index)
       The OperatorSets this model relies on.
       All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that
       specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is
       being imported.
       All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator
       with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version
       in the referenced operator sets.
      repeated .onnx.OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8;
    • hasProducerName

      boolean hasProducerName()
       The name of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
       This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
       emitted the model.
      optional string producer_name = 2;
      Whether the producerName field is set.
    • getProducerName

      String getProducerName()
       The name of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
       This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
       emitted the model.
      optional string producer_name = 2;
      The producerName.
    • getProducerNameBytes getProducerNameBytes()
       The name of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
       This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
       emitted the model.
      optional string producer_name = 2;
      The bytes for producerName.
    • hasProducerVersion

      boolean hasProducerVersion()
       The version of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
       This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
       emitted the model.
      optional string producer_version = 3;
      Whether the producerVersion field is set.
    • getProducerVersion

      String getProducerVersion()
       The version of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
       This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
       emitted the model.
      optional string producer_version = 3;
      The producerVersion.
    • getProducerVersionBytes getProducerVersionBytes()
       The version of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
       This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
       emitted the model.
      optional string producer_version = 3;
      The bytes for producerVersion.
    • hasDomain

      boolean hasDomain()
       Domain name of the model.
       We use reverse domain names as name space indicators. For example:
       `com.facebook.fair` or ``
       Together with `model_version` and, this forms the unique identity of
       the graph.
      optional string domain = 4;
      Whether the domain field is set.
    • getDomain

      String getDomain()
       Domain name of the model.
       We use reverse domain names as name space indicators. For example:
       `com.facebook.fair` or ``
       Together with `model_version` and, this forms the unique identity of
       the graph.
      optional string domain = 4;
      The domain.
    • getDomainBytes getDomainBytes()
       Domain name of the model.
       We use reverse domain names as name space indicators. For example:
       `com.facebook.fair` or ``
       Together with `model_version` and, this forms the unique identity of
       the graph.
      optional string domain = 4;
      The bytes for domain.
    • hasModelVersion

      boolean hasModelVersion()
       The version of the graph encoded. See Version enum below.
      optional int64 model_version = 5;
      Whether the modelVersion field is set.
    • getModelVersion

      long getModelVersion()
       The version of the graph encoded. See Version enum below.
      optional int64 model_version = 5;
      The modelVersion.
    • hasDocString

      boolean hasDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this model. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 6;
      Whether the docString field is set.
    • getDocString

      String getDocString()
       A human-readable documentation for this model. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 6;
      The docString.
    • getDocStringBytes getDocStringBytes()
       A human-readable documentation for this model. Markdown is allowed.
      optional string doc_string = 6;
      The bytes for docString.
    • hasGraph

      boolean hasGraph()
       The parameterized graph that is evaluated to execute the model.
      optional .onnx.GraphProto graph = 7;
      Whether the graph field is set.
    • getGraph

      Onnx.GraphProto getGraph()
       The parameterized graph that is evaluated to execute the model.
      optional .onnx.GraphProto graph = 7;
      The graph.
    • getGraphOrBuilder

      Onnx.GraphProtoOrBuilder getGraphOrBuilder()
       The parameterized graph that is evaluated to execute the model.
      optional .onnx.GraphProto graph = 7;
    • getMetadataPropsList

      List<Onnx.StringStringEntryProto> getMetadataPropsList()
       Named metadata values; keys should be distinct.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14;
    • getMetadataProps

      Onnx.StringStringEntryProto getMetadataProps(int index)
       Named metadata values; keys should be distinct.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14;
    • getMetadataPropsCount

      int getMetadataPropsCount()
       Named metadata values; keys should be distinct.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14;
    • getMetadataPropsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.StringStringEntryProtoOrBuilder> getMetadataPropsOrBuilderList()
       Named metadata values; keys should be distinct.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14;
    • getMetadataPropsOrBuilder

      Onnx.StringStringEntryProtoOrBuilder getMetadataPropsOrBuilder(int index)
       Named metadata values; keys should be distinct.
      repeated .onnx.StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14;
    • getTrainingInfoList

      List<Onnx.TrainingInfoProto> getTrainingInfoList()
       Training-specific information. Sequentially executing all stored
       `TrainingInfoProto.algorithm`s and assigning their outputs following
       the corresponding `TrainingInfoProto.update_binding`s is one training
       iteration. Similarly, to initialize the model
       (as if training hasn't happened), the user should sequentially execute
       all stored `TrainingInfoProto.initialization`s and assigns their outputs
       using `TrainingInfoProto.initialization_binding`s.
       If this field is empty, the training behavior of the model is undefined.
      repeated .onnx.TrainingInfoProto training_info = 20;
    • getTrainingInfo

      Onnx.TrainingInfoProto getTrainingInfo(int index)
       Training-specific information. Sequentially executing all stored
       `TrainingInfoProto.algorithm`s and assigning their outputs following
       the corresponding `TrainingInfoProto.update_binding`s is one training
       iteration. Similarly, to initialize the model
       (as if training hasn't happened), the user should sequentially execute
       all stored `TrainingInfoProto.initialization`s and assigns their outputs
       using `TrainingInfoProto.initialization_binding`s.
       If this field is empty, the training behavior of the model is undefined.
      repeated .onnx.TrainingInfoProto training_info = 20;
    • getTrainingInfoCount

      int getTrainingInfoCount()
       Training-specific information. Sequentially executing all stored
       `TrainingInfoProto.algorithm`s and assigning their outputs following
       the corresponding `TrainingInfoProto.update_binding`s is one training
       iteration. Similarly, to initialize the model
       (as if training hasn't happened), the user should sequentially execute
       all stored `TrainingInfoProto.initialization`s and assigns their outputs
       using `TrainingInfoProto.initialization_binding`s.
       If this field is empty, the training behavior of the model is undefined.
      repeated .onnx.TrainingInfoProto training_info = 20;
    • getTrainingInfoOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.TrainingInfoProtoOrBuilder> getTrainingInfoOrBuilderList()
       Training-specific information. Sequentially executing all stored
       `TrainingInfoProto.algorithm`s and assigning their outputs following
       the corresponding `TrainingInfoProto.update_binding`s is one training
       iteration. Similarly, to initialize the model
       (as if training hasn't happened), the user should sequentially execute
       all stored `TrainingInfoProto.initialization`s and assigns their outputs
       using `TrainingInfoProto.initialization_binding`s.
       If this field is empty, the training behavior of the model is undefined.
      repeated .onnx.TrainingInfoProto training_info = 20;
    • getTrainingInfoOrBuilder

      Onnx.TrainingInfoProtoOrBuilder getTrainingInfoOrBuilder(int index)
       Training-specific information. Sequentially executing all stored
       `TrainingInfoProto.algorithm`s and assigning their outputs following
       the corresponding `TrainingInfoProto.update_binding`s is one training
       iteration. Similarly, to initialize the model
       (as if training hasn't happened), the user should sequentially execute
       all stored `TrainingInfoProto.initialization`s and assigns their outputs
       using `TrainingInfoProto.initialization_binding`s.
       If this field is empty, the training behavior of the model is undefined.
      repeated .onnx.TrainingInfoProto training_info = 20;
    • getFunctionsList

      List<Onnx.FunctionProto> getFunctionsList()
       A list of function protos local to the model.
       Name of the function "" should be unique within the domain "FunctionProto.domain".
       In case of any conflicts the behavior (whether the model local functions are given higher priority,
       or standard operator sets are given higher priotity or this is treated as error) is defined by
       the runtimes.
       The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones
       imported by ModelProto and other model local FunctionProtos.
       Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by a FunctionProto and ModelProto
       or by 2 FunctionProtos then versions for the operator set may be different but,
       the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination
       for both the versions should be same for every node in the function body.
       One FunctionProto can reference other FunctionProto in the model, however, recursive reference
       is not allowed.
      repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 25;
    • getFunctions

      Onnx.FunctionProto getFunctions(int index)
       A list of function protos local to the model.
       Name of the function "" should be unique within the domain "FunctionProto.domain".
       In case of any conflicts the behavior (whether the model local functions are given higher priority,
       or standard operator sets are given higher priotity or this is treated as error) is defined by
       the runtimes.
       The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones
       imported by ModelProto and other model local FunctionProtos.
       Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by a FunctionProto and ModelProto
       or by 2 FunctionProtos then versions for the operator set may be different but,
       the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination
       for both the versions should be same for every node in the function body.
       One FunctionProto can reference other FunctionProto in the model, however, recursive reference
       is not allowed.
      repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 25;
    • getFunctionsCount

      int getFunctionsCount()
       A list of function protos local to the model.
       Name of the function "" should be unique within the domain "FunctionProto.domain".
       In case of any conflicts the behavior (whether the model local functions are given higher priority,
       or standard operator sets are given higher priotity or this is treated as error) is defined by
       the runtimes.
       The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones
       imported by ModelProto and other model local FunctionProtos.
       Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by a FunctionProto and ModelProto
       or by 2 FunctionProtos then versions for the operator set may be different but,
       the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination
       for both the versions should be same for every node in the function body.
       One FunctionProto can reference other FunctionProto in the model, however, recursive reference
       is not allowed.
      repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 25;
    • getFunctionsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends Onnx.FunctionProtoOrBuilder> getFunctionsOrBuilderList()
       A list of function protos local to the model.
       Name of the function "" should be unique within the domain "FunctionProto.domain".
       In case of any conflicts the behavior (whether the model local functions are given higher priority,
       or standard operator sets are given higher priotity or this is treated as error) is defined by
       the runtimes.
       The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones
       imported by ModelProto and other model local FunctionProtos.
       Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by a FunctionProto and ModelProto
       or by 2 FunctionProtos then versions for the operator set may be different but,
       the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination
       for both the versions should be same for every node in the function body.
       One FunctionProto can reference other FunctionProto in the model, however, recursive reference
       is not allowed.
      repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 25;
    • getFunctionsOrBuilder

      Onnx.FunctionProtoOrBuilder getFunctionsOrBuilder(int index)
       A list of function protos local to the model.
       Name of the function "" should be unique within the domain "FunctionProto.domain".
       In case of any conflicts the behavior (whether the model local functions are given higher priority,
       or standard operator sets are given higher priotity or this is treated as error) is defined by
       the runtimes.
       The operator sets imported by FunctionProto should be compatible with the ones
       imported by ModelProto and other model local FunctionProtos.
       Example, if same operator set say 'A' is imported by a FunctionProto and ModelProto
       or by 2 FunctionProtos then versions for the operator set may be different but,
       the operator schema returned for op_type, domain, version combination
       for both the versions should be same for every node in the function body.
       One FunctionProto can reference other FunctionProto in the model, however, recursive reference
       is not allowed.
      repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 25;