All Classes and Interfaces

Exception used when activation cannot be done because activation is for an older session than the one that is active now or because current active session has changed since the session to be activated was created
The context passed to the node repo when activating a node.
The hosts allocated to an application.
The hosts allocated to an application.
A complete, immutable identification of an application instance.
Exception thrown when we are unable to get the Zookeeper application lock.
Represents an applications name, which may be any kind of string or default.
A transaction which exists while holding the application provision lock.
An endpoint's authentication method.
A capacity request.
Exception thrown when trying to validate an application which is configured with a certificate that is not yet retrievable
Properties of the cloud service where the zone is deployed.
Identifies an account in a public cloud, such as CloudName.AWS or CloudName.GCP.
This class represents the root node of cloud Copyright Yahoo.
Represents a cloud provider used in a hosted Vespa system.
Auxiliary information about a cluster, provided by the config model to the node repo during a capacity request.
A node's membership in a cluster.
The resources of a cluster
A specification of a cluster - or group in a grouped cluster - to be run on a set of hosts.
Identifier of a group within a cluster
A cluster type
Id, fingerprints and check access hashes of a data plane token
A deployer is used to deploy applications.
A deployment of an application
A container image.
Status sorted by increasing readiness.
Environments in hosted Vespa.
A host or node flavor.
Overrides fields in a Flavor, e.g.
This class represents the root node of flavors Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents flavors.flavor[]
A maintenance event for a host.
A filter which matches a host depending on its properties.
Hostnames match DomainName.domainNamePattern, and are restricted to 64 characters in length.
A specification of a host and its role.
A deployer is used to deploy infrastructure applications.
Represents an applications instance name, which may be any kind of string or default.
An integer range.
Transient exception thrown on behalf of a load balancer service
Models an immutable list of network port allocations
Serializes network port allocations to/from JSON.
Exception thrown when we are unable to fulfill a node allocation request.
All the flavors configured in this zone (i.e this should be called HostFlavors).
Identifies Vespa nodes from the their X509 certificate.
The identity of a Vespa node
Represents the identity of a hosted Vespa node
This class represents the root node of node-repository Copyright Yahoo.
The node resources required by an application cluster
A slice of nodes, satisfied by either a minimum count or a fraction.
The possible types of nodes in the node repository
Exception thrown when trying to activate a node that runs on a host that is not yet ready to run the node.
Interface used by the config system to acquire hosts.
A type-safe wrapper for an application's provision lock.
Allows messages to be logged during provision which will be directed back to the party initiating the request.
A region in a hosted Vespa system.
The routing methods supported by a zone.
Systems in hosted Vespa
A deployment may have a list of tags associated with it.
Represents a tenant in the provision API.
A provisioning exception that is considered transient.
This class declares the steps (zones) to follow when upgrading a system.
An upgrade step, consisting of one or more zones.
Wraps a Wireguard key.
The zone (environment + region) of this runtime, and some other information.
Settings for a zone endpoint of a deployment.
A URN allowed to access this (private) endpoint, through a ZoneEndpoint.AccessType method.
A ZoneId list which can be filtered in various ways; elements can be accessed after at least one filter.
Unique identifier for a Zone; use when referencing them.
Provides filters for and access to a list of ZoneIds.